The Almost Break-Up

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*Blaine's POV*
"Do you even want this wedding!? Do you even want to marry me!?"
"Maybe I don't!"
I felt my heart drop the moment I heard those words. I stopped breathing and my whole body started to shut down as I desperately struggled to understand what was happening. This wasn't Kurt. This wasn't the man I fell in love with. He would never hurt me like this. He loved me. At least... I thought he did.
"What changed? Was it something that I did? Because you know that, that I love you and I, I know that we can make this work," pain and heartache seeped through the cracks of ever stuttered syllable that left my mouth. I didn't want to believe he would do this to me. I didn't want to believe that he no longer loved me.
"I love you too. But we're kids. Look, we had a great run but let's just call it quits before we completely hate each other."
I couldn't breath. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't stop them from streaming down my face. I had to get out of there as soon as possible.
"I will never forgive you for this," I managed to muster the courage to say as a stared right into his eyes. Those same eyes that lit up the very first moment our hands touched. Those eyes that fluttered closed in shock and joy as our lips touched for the first time. Those eyes that could have held my gase for the rest of time, but were now letting me go with little to no explanation. As I got up and picked up my bag, tears started to stream faster and faster, chasing each other down my cheeks. I watched him turn his attention to his lap before I gulped heavily and walked away. I picked up speed until I was practically running back to our apartment. I slipped up and fell onto the pavement. Some pieces of paper filled with our wedding plans flew out of my brief case as it landed with a thud onto the slippery wet slabs. I reached around me to collect every last soggy piece, placing each one back into my bag. My tears blended with the rain as I stood back home, no longer that far from home. "It's just a teenage romance, you'll forget about him one day." "Do you really think you'll remember his name a year after college?" "Honestly, you're so naive Blaine, get over him." The voices of those who have previously doubted my relationship with Kurt began to haunt my mind, chanting at me. They'd been right all along. We were stupid teenage lovers. But I could never forget him. I was sure of that.
I stormed up to our apartment and started flinging things into suitcases.

*Kurt's POV*
I couldn't stop looking at my lap. I used one hand to lightly touch the wedding ring that sat happily around my finger - a meaningful piece of metal that seemed utterly oblivious to the goings on in my life in that very moment.
"Can I get you anything?" I heard someone ask, but couldn't bring myself to answer, "Sir? What do you want?" I snapped my head up.
"Blaine," I whispered to myself. I wanted Blaine. How could I be so stupid!? What the hell had I just done!? Blaine was the best thing that ever happened to me and I just ripped his heart out and squished it in my hands infront of his face. My vision was so blurred with tears that I could barely see which direction I was running in and my stomach was so thick with guilt that I felt as though I was going to be sick.
I heard the screeching of breaks and turned around to see a car racing towards me. I felt a slight pressure on my leg, an impact had been made and I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the road. It wasn't a particularly busy time of night. I got up quickly, not particularly caring that blood was running down from my forehead or that my leg was numb. The way I saw it was that nothing was broken, I wasn't dead, so there was something more important I could be doing than having some stranger  profusely apologise to me. No no, I had to be the one apologizing, begging for forgiveness.
The drops of blood and floods of tears made a mess across my face, I probably looked the worst I ever have but I didn't care. Nothing mattered to me anymore, nothing but Blaine.
I made it to the apartment block, fumbling with my keys before rushing up the stairs to our apartment. I was just about to attempt to open the door when it started sliding of it's own accord. That was, until I realised someone was opening it from inside.

*Blaine's POV*
I had the handle of my suitcase grasped in my hand as I pulled open the front door. Fresh and dried tears were mixing together down my cheeks and chin as I prepared myself to step outside. Out into a world without Kurt, into a life without who I had thought was my soulmate.
And then there he was.
The nerve of this guy!
He dumped me merely ten minutes ago and yet here he was now, in my way. How could he do this to me, I was so-
Was that blood on his forehead? Were his cheeks wet with tears? My eyes widened as I looked at the wound on his forehead. I dropped my suitcase handle and moved my hand up to touch his bloodied up skin. But then I felt his delicate, dainty hand desperately clamp around my wrist.
"Don't," he told me, "It's not important."
"But Kurt you're bleeding."
"I am aware. Please just hear me out?" I nodded, "I'm an idiot. I'm the worst person in the world and I would fully understand if you wanted to hit me in the face and walk out of this apartment and out of my life forever. But please," he chocked up, almost unable to continue speaking, "Please, if you want to do that, please reconsider. Because I love you so much Blaine and I am so sorry. I feel so guilty that I almost puked whilst running here. Just please say you forgive me, please say that you still love me. You're all that I want, you're all that matters to me. Please just tell me you still love me." I stood there in stunned silence, before opting to move my hand onto his cheek. I stroked his high cheek bone with my thumb and felt him lean into my touch as I stepped closer to him, placing my other hand on his hip. I leaned up as he leaned down and I placed my forehead against his. I slowly looked up to make eye contact with him, "I could never stop loving you," I said before leaning in and pressing our lips together. The kiss was passionate and desperate, until I broke it apart as I noticed the odd taste of blood and saw a cut on his lip.
I took Kurt's hand and walked him to the sofa, cleaning up all the blood that was dotted over his face. As soon as each patch was cleaned, I placed a kiss to the area and he gave me a quick explanation of what had happened to him. "I'm not quite sure," he'd told me, "I couldn't focus on anything apart from getting to you as quickly as possible. I just remember screeching breaks and then impact to my leg before I fell to the ground. I didn't much care to stay and listen to the driver apologise, I had more important things to do."
After I finished cleaning Kurt up, I rapped us up in a blanket and held him close, a part of me was still scared that he was just going to get up and leave and that part of me would probably be scared for quite some time.
After a while I started to hear some sniffling company my from the warm body rapped up in my arms. I placed a finger under Kurt's jaw to get him to look up at me and I wiped away at his tears.
"Why are you crying?"
"I just can't believe I almost gave all of this up. I'm the worst person in the world. I love you so much Blaine and I can't bare the thought that I almost let myself loose you forever."
"Hey hey, there is no way you were ever going to loose me forever. We would have found are way back to each other, we always do. You are the love of my life Kurt and sure, what you did sucked, but we've both made terrible mistakes, you are definitely not a horrible person! You are the most kind, forgiving, loving person I have ever met and I love you so much it hurts. I've always known that we would be together forever, ever since our first kiss, and it's okay that you weren't as sure as I was because I realise that I was rushing everything and probably scaring you, but the important thing is that you know now right?"
"Yeah I know now. When I told you that I'm never saying goodbye to you and that I'm always going to love you, those were promises and I meant them. I honestly don't know what came over me, you're not just the love of my life Blaine - you are my life."
"You're my life too Kurt, I love you so much."
"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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