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i wish i could've seen you more

i wish you were there for me

but instead you left me behind

acting as if you never had wanted me

so why was i present when i got returned

you begged her for money and she left you

how pathetic are you?

i'm sorry you're dead, but it's your fault

clearly you asked for it

swallowing pain medications

over the greasy foods of the south

it's not like you weren't asking for it

i didn't cry at your funeral. i was shocked

but i was accused of being a insensitive


how can you call a 12 year old that?

i lost you almost 3 years ago.

i still haven't lost the numbness

the trauma almost

of seeing your body

in the harshly decorated casket

that was in front of me

the lifelessness filling my body instead

turning me into a robot

that can never learn to say goodbye.

sorry dad.

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