Chapter 8

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It started with a single drop.

"Lance! Pidge!" Hunk called.

"I feel like we've been walking in circles, " Keith said.


They walked through the tunnels every few minutes calling the missing paladins names.

"they could've disappeared into any tunnel, " Allura said, "Lance!" she called the blue paladin's name again.

"if they're smart they wouldn't have moved, " Shiro said.


"Is it possible that the creatures could have found a way into the tunnels?" Hunk asked looking around nervously.

"it's absolutely impossible to find a way in without using the panels, " Allura replied.


Keith was walking next to Shiro. Allura was in front of them and Hunk was behind.

"Do you hear that?" Keith whispered to Shiro.

"Hear what?"


"that!" he says as he hears it again. Shiro listens for a moment.

Drip. Drop.

The sound became a little bit faster and Shiro could hear it clear as day.

Drip. Drop. Drip.

There was a distant crash that sounded like rain and everyone froze.

Allura spoke quickly, "I think they found us," she says. The sound of water approaching became louder.

"You don't say," Keith says sarcastically.

They break into a run trying to keep the sound far away from them.

Tunnel shook as the water gained on them. It quickly overcame them and they were instantly enveloped in the pitch black water.

The current threw them about making them slam into each other. Each time Allura was thrown against the wall or another person she opened her mouth as if she was going to scream. No scream came out, however, a lot of water came in. Her lungs ached and she felt her mouth trying to force her mouth open to take a breath. Each time she gave in and each time water filled her mouth.

It felt like an hour before she felt herself being lowered down onto the ground as the water receded. She was on the edge of consciousness her eyes opening and closing.

She heard the other Paladins stirring around her coughing up water and breathing in deeply the fresh air they so desperately needed.

Coran's face appeared over her's, "Princess are you alright?" He asked gently shaking her. She opened her eyes and forced herself to sit up. When she did so her body was racked with coughing as all the water she swallowed came back out.

"Is everyone alright?" She asked hoarsely. One by one each Paladin sat up nodding their response that they were okay.

They sat there recovering from the near-death experience. "We can't stay here we have to keep moving," Keith said.

"If we can get to the bunker we can grab some lights and maps that'll help us sweep the tunnels better for Lance and Pidge," Allura replied.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Hunk asked standing up. He immediately felt nauseous and he leaned against the wall, "oh....that's why..."

"Our bodies were moving around so much it swirled up the acid in our stomachs. It probably hasn't settled down yet. It could also be from all of the water we swallowed." Shiro said, "just take it easy."

"Guys?" A voice sounded from farther down behind them, "Guys is that you?"

Nobody responded.

"Guys seriously stop with the pranks, this isn't funny!" The voice sounded scared, "it's me, Lance, please say something."

Hunk was the first one to speak, "Lance is It really you?"

"Yes! Yes, it is!" The voice came closer, "I'm so glad I found you guys."

"Where's....Pidge?" Keith asked hesitantly.

"Oh she wandered off in the tunnels somewhere," He replied.

"By herself?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You idiot, there are creatures aboard the castle that can literally kill you with the weather!" Keith replied exasperated, "you were sitting right next to me when they made the horrifying announcement!"

Although no one else could see it Shiro narrowed his eyes.

"Problem Shiro?" Lance asked, "or are is the light too bright?"

Shiro's eyes widened in the darkness, "that's not Lance!" He nearly shouts it.

A whisper sounds next to him sending chills down his spine, "very good Shiro," the voice changed from Lance's to that like a snake but not quite, "I figured you'd be the first to figure it out...well either you or Keith."

A flame appeared in front of them hovering above a human hand. The creature was still disguised as Lance although he didn't bother to disguise his voice. He holds his hand out as if he is gesturing to something behind him.

"Welcome to hell."

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