Chapter 19

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A beep.

Cool air rushing past.

Body falling forward.

The thing that snapped Pidge to attention was herself hitting the floor of the medical bay. She opened her eyes to find herself staring at the ceiling. Rolling to her side she got an arm beneath her raising herself to a sitting position

Laying in front of her were three of her teammates all passed out. To her left she turned to find Keith in a healing pod. Next to the pod Lance was slumped against it a white bandage wrapped around his head, crimson staining only a small section. To her right was a clear container with a khaki colored liquid. Paying it no mine she turned back to her teammates in front of her. 

They were beginning to stir. One by one they all began to sit up. Shiro was the first up, he glanced at the container then at Lance and Keith. Once he finally stood up and turned that's when he noticed Pidge. She followed his gaze to her side. She was still wearing the same blood stained shirt.

Noticing this she rose to her feet, "I'm going to go get into some clean clothes." She didn't wait for a response before she was out the door.

Once she was free from the medical bay Pidge glanced down at her side the dried blood caked on her shirt brought an unsettling feeling to her. It tossed her insides making her dizzy. It wasn't that blood made her squeamish it was the fact that she should've died. She should've just have let the creature have his way with her, but she went to her friends. Now Keith was in a healing pod, Lance had a head injury and will probably never be the same. Allura, Shiro, and Hunk were all knocked unconscious, and Coran.... 

Wait a minute.

Where was Coran?

As soon as the thought formed she was down the hallway and into her room. She threw off her dirty clothes and threw on another pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Not bothering to mess with her frazzled hair she took off again back towards the Medical Bay. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she did her best to keep her imagination from getting the best of her.

She walked in to find Allura and Shiro helping Keith from the pod, while Hunk looked over Lance. They turned to look at her as she entered out of breath. 

"Where's Coran?" 

They exchanged either raised shoulders or with a shake of the head, until Lance spoke up.

"We were following the plan. You guys go out and we'll stay back and that's exactly what we did. Only a few minutes after you guys had left the bunker one of you came back."

"That's not possible we were all out here," Keith replied, his voice raspy from the lack of water. Allura and Shiro sat him on the stairway before Allura walked across to the cabinet to grab a bottle of water. 

"That's what we thought. So we confronted them, they then revealed their true form," Lance paused for a moment rubbing his eyes, "He lunged for the both of us." 

Another pause.

"I-I was too freaked out to move and the creature quickly knocked me out. When I came too I was in the medical bay with Keith," A slight blush dusted his tan cheeks. There was no need for him to tell the others that he had come to laying on Keith's chest, although he wasn't going to complain. 

Wait what?

Shaking his head from his thoughts, he returned back to reality.

"This makes no sense," Allura said, "First this-this whatever you want to call it, wants to make Pidge pay for absolutely no reason other to see blood be spilled. Then out of the blue he goes after Coran?"

"I agree. That is odd." Shiro replied, "but what I would like to know is-" He points to the clear container- "What is that?"

"It's the intruder," Keith muttered. He wasn't awake to witness what had happened after he had jabbed the sedative into the creature, but he could assume that Lance had taken care of it.

"Well what are we supposed to do with it now?" Hunk asked. He picked up the container tipping it side to side watching as the liquid swished back and forth. 

"We get rid of it. Throw it back out into space." Pidge replied.

"And leave it for someone else?" Shiro asked, "No thanks."

"Shiro's right," Allura jumped in, "We have to find a way to destroy this creature for good. For the safety of all travelers."

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