Part 16 - Clash at the Border: A Desperate Stand for Freedom

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A few Hundred Meters From The Border

"Listen up, everyone! We're here, eagerly awaiting Baliyo and Azaad to draw the attention of the border guards. Once they're engaged, we'll seize the opportunity to make our way into the kingdom," Kion commanded his team, his voice brimming with determination. He raised his paw, gesturing towards the border as he emphasized their plan.

Surak, wincing from the pain in his injured leg, caught the concerned gazes of Kion and Simba. Sensing his discomfort, they approached him with care. Simba crouched down, gently inspecting Surak's leg, while Kion furrowed his brow.

"Surak, are you okay? Your leg appears even more swollen than yesterday," Simba voiced his worry, his paw hovering over the injured limb.

Kion, with a hint of concern in his voice, advised, "Perhaps it would be wise for you to remain here, Surak. Your leg needs time to heal and pushing yourself further could worsen the injury."

Surak let out a heavy sigh, lowering his head in reluctant acceptance. "You're right, Kion. I'll stay behind. Maybe I underestimated the strain I've put on my leg," he admitted, acknowledging his own limitations with a touch of disappointment.

Kion, determined to ensure Surak's safety, called out to Janja, who stood nearby, seeking assistance for their injured friend. Janja turned his attention towards Kion, curious about the request.

"Janja!" Kion called, extending his paw towards the reformed hyena, his eyes locked with Janja's. "I need two members of your crew to stay here and protect Surak. His leg is injured, and we can't afford any risks."

Janja nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Understood, Kion," he responded, stepping forward to stand beside Kion and Surak. "Cheeze, Chungu, come here!" Janja called out, summoning his loyal hyenas to join them.

Cheeze, quick to respond, hurried over with an eager expression. "Yes, boss," he acknowledged, raising his paw slightly in anticipation.

Chungu, concerned for Surak's well-being, approached with a more cautious demeanor. "What's the problem?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Kion, his gaze shifting between Cheeze and Chungu, explained the task at hand. "The two of you will remain here with Surak. Your primary responsibility is to ensure his safety until we return. Can I count on you?"

Cheeze and Chungu stood straight, their paws planted firmly on the ground, as they responded in unison, "Aye, aye, captain." They nodded in agreement, affirming their commitment to protect Surak.

Meanwhile, Baliyo and Azaad reached the border, their presence catching the attention of the guards stationed there. The guards, enticed by the challenge, immediately set off in pursuit, leaving the mountain pass vulnerable and unguarded.

Baliyo, his tail held high with confidence, turned towards the guards and playfully taunted them. "Hey, you polka-dot cat! Come and try to catch us if you can!" he called out, his paw swiping through the air as if challenging the guards to keep up.

One of the leopards among the guards recognized Baliyo and remarked, a mix of surprise and recognition in his voice, "Wait a minute, isn't he Queen Rani's brother?"

The recognition spread among the guards, fueling their determination. Another leopard, his eyes glinting with excitement, urged the group into action. "What are we waiting for? Let's get them!" he exclaimed, his paw slashing through the air, urging his comrades to join the chase.

As Baliyo and Azaad skillfully led the guards away, Kion and his team seized the opportunity to advance toward the Tree of Life, where they aimed to confront Cheka and strip him of his leadership position.

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