Chapter 1 - Asking Hermione

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A/N- My remake of the Yule ball, if Harry had asked Hermione. Harmony ship.

Feedback is welcomed :)

I've tried to rewrite it all , but sorry if I go over Jo Rowlings words.

J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. owns all.

Okay :)

First fanfic btw.

Btw , italics written in capitals because I can't get italics to work from where I'm writing.

Harry gazed ahead at the towering clock in the midst of the Great Hall. The seconds passed quickly, and it was as if the Yule Ball was only minutes away.

Harry made up his mind suddenly; he was going to ask Cho to be his partner. Cho- the popular 5th year whom he surely didn't have a chance with. But he had to ask her. Right now, in fact. The ball was in two days- he had to hurry.

Peeping over the tops of peoples heads, he saw no Cho at the Ravenclaw table.

Shovelling the rest of his mushrooms in his mouth, he threw his bag over his shoulder, told Ron and Hermione he had forgotten something in the common room, and headed out the grand oak doors.

Having reached the Gryffindor common room ( which was ideally empty) he muttered, "Accio Marauders Map!", and moments later, the stained parchment wooshed out of nowhere.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

At that moment, the parchment sprung to life, as gradually ink appeared on every corner ,forming the map...

Cho, was on the 4th floor, surrounded by a group of girls whose names Harry didn't recognise.

He stumbled out of the portrait hole, and started to sprint down the majestic staircases before he changed his mind-

Wait. Was he REALLY going to do this?

It's now or never.

An inward battle commenced in his mind.

'She'll say no!'

' You fought DRAGONS. You're a champion...she has to say yes.'

'Not really. There's also Krum..and Cedric.'

Cho's bound to be asked soon- Harry had seen the way his fellow rival champion, Cedric Diggory, looked at her. Did he want him getting their first? It was risky to leave it any longer, with the ball in two days.

This piece of encouragement urged him to go on, and finally he reached Cho's group. He hovered by them uncertainly.

None of them noticed Harry,' too engrossed in their stupid giggling', Harry thought.

He just stood there ; frozen for at least a minute.

Just then, a certain tall, handsome Hufflepuff came around a corner, and made their way over to Cho to ask for a "quick word".

It was Cedric Diggory. And he had beaten Harry to it. He was obviously going to ask her to the ball. Harry bitterly watched the cheerful girls around Cho congratulate her like buzzing bees behind Cedric's back, as the two of them walked away.

Firstly, Cedric unfairly , which ought to be classed as cheating, beat Harry in Quidditch last year when Harry FAINTED. Now, he asks Cho to the Yule Ball,who Harry had liked for a while now.

And to top it all off , Cedric was facing Harry in the Triwizard Tournament, the battle to the cup.

A passion of hate and loathing creeped within Harry- a new type of hate for Cedric.

'He's really crossed the goblin now' Harry thought miserably.

Harry kicked a knight in greasy armour angrily as he trudged down the stairs back to the Great Hall.

'Who am I going to ask now? There's no one else really'

' Come off it, there's loads of girls staring at you all the time. You have a FAN CLUB.'

'But I don't even KNOW any of them.'

Harry sighed heavily.

* * *

So Cho was a no- the only person Harry wanted to go with really.

He needed to find his friends. Ron and Hermione would have finished breakfast, so they wouldn't be in the Great Hall. Harry couldn't seem to face the teasing he would undoubtedly get from the Weasley twins at the prospect of him STILL having no date, and the masses of people in the common room. There was crowds there these Christmas holidays. ( most students had signed up to stay for the Yule Ball.) At least Ron still had no date.

Deciding on the library for some alone introvert time, he hitched his bag higher on his shoulder, and walked to the 2nd floor on which the library was located.

Harry stomped inside and spotted Hermione. He joined his best friend bushy- haired bookworm, who was, not suprisingly, studying.

He collapsed on the chair next to her, groaning.

Hermione looked up , "Hello Harry."

"Hi. Where's Ron?"

"Last time I seen him, he was chasing Fleur Delacour, shouting at her..think he was asking her to the ball."

Harry laughed in spite of himself.

"Oh Ron. He'll probably turn up here later in a state of shock. What veela's do to him", after laughing, his face returned to an angry and unhappy grimace.

"Are you alright? You look a little distraught."

Harry put his head in his hands, shaking his head.

" Cho's been asked to the ball. Cedric.. I'm going to end up alone, I just know. And I HAVE to go, you know, cause of tradition.The champions have to have a date"

"Oh. Well there's plenty of other girls who would go with you. I could ask the girls in my dorm. They practically FAWN over you. It's a bit awkward, actually."

Harry looked up. "I so wanted to go with Cho ,though."

Hermione scowled."Just forget about her, ask someone else."

"Okay, I'll just pick a random girl who I see walking around the castle. How about Eloise Midgen?" he muttered sarcastically.

"Hmph." Hermione returned to her work.

Harry honestly didn't know what to do. His chances with Cho could wait for the future, for now, panic began to surface. He would look pathetic by himself, especially as a champion who's suppost to have his own adoring fan club.

He strained his brain , listing every possible girl he could think of..

Hold on.


His best friend. If he couldn't find a suitable date he actually wanted, why didn't he take Hermione, as a friend?


"Mm? " Hermione replied, eyes focused on her parchment as she furiously wrote.

" Would you go the ball with me? Cause I know no one's asked you and.."

'Did he just- he just- ' Hermione frantically thought.

Hermione raised her head, stunned, blushing as red as a cherry tomato.


"Y'know, as friends" Harry assured her quickly.

"Ye-Yeah,sure. W-Why not ask a girl as a date though? You know as the boy who lived and the boy who fought a Hungarian Horntail, you could have anyone" she grinned, embarrassed.

Harry returned the smile,then leaned back and closed his eyes.

" If I can't have Cho I'd just rather go with you as friends.

Hermione stared at the work in front of her,not taking it in.

A/N- okay sorry for being short! I wanted this on a fanfiction site but I couldn't upload, so it's on here.

Longer next week, promise

Harry Potter FanFiction Remake Sixth Harry/Hermione HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now