Chapter 2 - Merry Christmas

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A/N - Not edited, can't be bothered.

And just a reminder that the capitals are suppost to be italics, I can't maje them italic though. I know the capitals look a little odd...but just imagine them as italics. Set in 6th year, but for this fanfic pretend Fred and George are in 7th - one year older than the trio.

Christmas Eve- Harry had Hermione as her partner. Ron had managed to swipe Padma Patil, a girl from Ravenclaw, who had amazingly agreed. Harry and Hermione had agreed to not tell anyone about their companionship to the ball, to prevent any unnecessary teasing. Ron persumed that Harry was going with a random third year Hufflepuff whom Harry had told Ron "didn't even know the name of" Truth betold,Harry would never want to go with a stranger. Everyone thought Hermione didn't have a date.

* * *

Harry awoke extremely early on Christmas morning- the earliest he'd ever woke on Christmas.

Looking towards the window, Harry gazed out at swirling crystal patterns, and weak sunlight beating down upon Hogwarts castle, which was smothered in snow.

It was going to be a white christmas.

He smiled to himself as he spotted a mound of presents at the foot of his four poster. He drawn back his velvet drapings.

Ron was just waking up , and was stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning" he mumbled.

"Happy Christmas!" Harry replied,going to delve into his stack of presents, whilst Ron eagerly stumbled towards his own.

He opened up : the usual emerald green sweater with the initial 'H' written on ,and a box of homemade cream fudge from Mrs Weasley ; an extra edition broom servicing kit (extras to the present Hermione had previously bought him for his birthday) from Sirius ; a huge box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans from Hermione ; a handmade knitted sack from Hagrid ; and lastly, a brand new sneakoscope, upgraded from his old one, from Ron.

The Weasley family joined Ron, Seamus, Dean, Neville and Harry later on, and everyone resorted to doing their own things, the Weasleys chasing eachother catapulting Dungbombs at eachother,Harry and Dean playing Wizards chess, and the others simply lazing about eating toffees and cauldron cakes.

Soon , the boys exited down to a brunch, consisting of mince pies to eggs, and butterbeer to roast chicken.

Hermione , however, was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked Ron, spectulating the Gryffindor table, crowded with people.

Ron, his mouth crammed,spoke back words which Harry didn't catch.

Fred spoke as he pulled a wizarding cracker which exploded and emitted fireworks."Hermione. Hmph Hermione. Probably-" he never finished his sentence, though, as he was rudely interrupted.

"Probably in her chamber, wallowing in despair at the thought of having no date to the ball. Poor filthy mudblood." Draco Malfoy stood behind them, the ugly smug Pansy Parkinson hanging on his arm.

Harry stood up in unmistakeable anger, followed by Ron.

"Shove off, Malfoy. Silly boy." George shook his head mockingly.

"And you, fat bitch." Ron growled through his teeth , nodding at Pansy.

Harry nearly shouted :"No one here wants to see you, calling her a m-"

"How dare you Weasley? I suppose YOU'LL have to wear one of your bed drapes to the ball, not being able to afford dress robes. WHAT a pity. At least Pansy and me have pure blood. You are nothing but blood traitors, and Potter and Granger are nothing but scum."

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