Not In The Fairytales You Know

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Not in Sleeping Beauty,

Where I just sit still and look pretty

Then prince charming shall arrive

Despite the wall of thorns

That around my castle have arised

Not in Cinderella

Where I have to fit the slipper

Then the prince becomes my lover

And we'll live happily ever after

Not in the Little Mermaid

Where I seek the other world

For freedom is what my father forbade

Not in a bad boy romance

Where I strive to heal his wounds

And not in a fantasy universe

Where I go on a journey to save the world

You see,

These stories have a life of their own

And a plot that is easily foreseen

It's better that I put pieces together

Just like Frankenstein

My place isn't in one of those stories,

It's about time I write mine.

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