Uncertain Next Time

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That moment in time,

It felt like eternity

With your warmth against mine,

It seemed that once was enough for me

Now the lines are all blurred,

And threads seem to be missing,

The pins are all scattered,

And gates keep closing

Those few seconds now aren't enough,

As I look back at the memory

I wish my current words are just a bluff,

To have you come running to me

But my words fall on distant ears,

And my heart wishes for the walls to come crashing

The present is exactly what I fear:

That your eyes aren't ones I'm ever seeing

That your touch is something I won't ever again feel

That the voice of yours I always hear,

Is from now on a figment of what's unreal

Someday maybe I'll see you again,

And our love's embers haven't died

Maybe once again I can call you more than a friend,

And in your arms I reside

My heart hoped for that someday,

A someday that could never be

Cause now I regret that I never asked you to stay,

And uncertain is what they call you and me.

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