"Language of the Sky"

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5-6 years ago, I took pictures of the sky when we first became friends. She taught me her language and took away the burdens rooting underneath my feet.

When I thought I understood her, she blew away the clouds leaving nothing but her doubts. She was in soft pastel blendings of blue, peach, amber and amaranth pink but beyond these color scheme, I didn't have a clue what she actually mean.

I stayed longer, then I stayed forever. I am never alone under her sky, even at times when she sees me cry. She accompanied me throughout the different seasons and each time I thought I knew her, she thinks that I dont; She would give me different reasons.

One thing I understood from her though, she never settles for something shallow. She is one ineffable kalopsia disguised as a bottomless sky; only to be known well by those who explore depths, win battles against their sciamachy and find themselves at state of philocaly.

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