Coffee Date

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Coffee Date

She was there,
alone in her room;
with her were the
colors, paints, pens,
music box, books and 
a cup of coffee;
either she was listening to some
old yet classic songs,
reading some romance yet tragic ending books you both love,
writing your name through calligraphy,
or diving through her creative imagination where she—
refinely did an aesthetic painting with so much love
and passion—
serenading you with her own-composed lyric poem,
telling you her stories witha cup o coffee.

How so sweet, when a cup of coffee is filled with millions of untold stories—
about her, how she did all of them,
despite being rejected and ingnored;
about her, how she still do it when she was still left unrecognized.
about her, who's definitely—crazily inlove with you,
how she made her world with you in her dreams,
though she's been betrayed by her own illusions.

Please, have a coffee with her,
tell her what you really feel,
do not leave her,
hug her so tight,
cos when the time comes she'll forget everything,
a cup of coffee will remain a plain coffee unless—
you were there to let her remember all the past stories.

Have a coffee date with her, it is what artists need to have.

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