New Ink Member - Chapter 1

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(Your POV)
So I wonder what they will think of me. I am the new ink member! You thought to yourself. "Hey Diana!" Alice tried to get your attention.

"Hey!!!!" She finally got you to look at her. "Yes Alice?" You asked "Are you worrying what they will think about you?" She asked walking down the hallway to show them the newest ink member. "..... Maybe" you snicker.

~Le time skip brought to you by a lazy creator tee-hee~

You hear thumping around, clapping, and music.

Alice speeds up as you continue to go the same speed

"Hey, I told you two to wait for me!" Alice yelled at whoever. I slowly walk up beside her a tall dog looking at me and a short demon yelling back at Alice.

"Well you were taking forever Alice!!"
"And? I take as long as I want to Bendy!" So I'm guessing that the demon is Bendy I wonder who the tall wolf who just looked away from me is.

"Well when we take a long time you get to yell at us!" Bendy yelled at Alice.
"Well never keep a lady waiting!" Alice yelled back. I tugged at her black knee length dress. "Oh right" she mumbled.

"Bendy, Boris, Sammy, Henry sit down."

"Why?" They four asked "Just sit!"
They all sat in chairs. Alice brought me to the stage. "So, your probably wondering who this is, this is Diana Demon the newest ink member!"
I looked around to see ink everywhere. Alice smiled. "That's all so you can all leave." Four left that Was Alice,the dog, a guy with a axe, and a human. "The wolf is Boris, then there's Henry, and then Sammy." Alice explained. As there was no one insight but Bendy.

"Hey listen here! I'm the only demon around here so you better back off!"
I grinned and turned around
"What is it that's bothering you? Worried that I'll steal the spotlight?" I snickered. "No worries you'll just have to learn to share." I said. He looked down at me and said "I won't have to share! You won't get the spotlight anytime soon!!" "Oh? Well we will see about that!"

Hola amigos! Holy moly- 382 WORDS?! Oh and I need an editor! For ideas and my spelling fixing!

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