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Oh my that? I actually have to pinch myself for a second. Tristan! My heart goes to my stomach, I get this overwhelming feeling of relief and happiness.

I knew this summer was too important to us for her to not come back. How did she get here? Better yet, why is she here? Is she back for good? Who cares my best friend is back! Holy shit! I have so many questions. I run over to her as fast as I can, and give her a big ass hug of course.

"Tristan, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."

She seems upset. I can always tell when something is bothering her. I really wasn't expecting her to be back so soon. Probably something to do with her parents if I had to guess.

There's an awkward silence so I choose to say something else. Maybe she's just tired from that three hour and thirty minute drive?

"You're back so soon! I've missed you so fucking much, let's go to the beach and drink, but first let's smoke a blunt! Here hit my Juul, I know you want to."

I know I'm talking a mile a minute. I'm so ready to officially kick this summer off. Hell yes. Her expression doesn't change. I'm starting to get scared. Is she okay?

"Tuesday, I've actually had a change of heart."

She looks at the ground. This can't be good.

"I just don't think we should be friends anymore."

Wait what? I can feel the salty fluid about to run out of my eyes. Tristans been my friend for years, this is so unlike her.

"I think our friendship has burnt out while I was in Charlotte. I know I wasn't there for long but, I met some new people and I actually convinced them to move here." Huh?

Did I just hear that right? Why can't we all be friends?

"We're planning on hanging out without you and rubbing everything we do in your face." Ouch. "I'm sorry you're just not rich, and my parents hate you. I'm sorry, but not really. We just can't be friends anymore. Don't be mad at me please, I know you understand Tuesday. Tuesday, Tuesday... TUESDAY!"

My eyes shoot open to my mother hovering over me in my bed. Her audacity surprises me every time she opens her mouth. I think that was the worst nightmare I've ever had, and the worst possible way to be woken up. What does my mom have to say now?

"Tuesday, the wifi bill was due yesterday. How did you not remember?"

How did I not remember? Are you serious? I have so many other things to worry about. Why does she think I can just magically take care of her and all the bills? I work my fucking ass off. God I wish I would just say this to her face. Maybe one day.

"I was counting on you."

Do you even know how many times I've counted on you and you failed? Jesus, I literally cannot right now.

"It's every first Tuesday of the month. I did that on purpose so you would remember."

Why can't YOU remember? Ugh.

"You had one job, a very easy one. It's literally your name. I covered it, but as soon as you get your paycheck this week, I need to have that money returned back to me Tuesday. I'm going out of town tomorrow, so just venmo it to me as soon as possible."

I don't think I've ever used Venmo, I'm more of a Cash App gal. But what? Has she lost her absolute mind? So much just came out of her mouth so quick. Shocker.

"Where are you going?"

She usually tells me just incase something happens, so I would know where to find her. But honestly, with her, it could be anywhere in any state. It seems like she knows someone from every part of North Carolina. All the way from the 828 to the 910, and everything in between.

Every now and then she makes me drive her to the airport in my 1998 Toyota Corolla, which is already so embarrassing. Tristan always had a nice car. Mom never tells me where she's going when I drop her off at the airport. She always hides the ticket from me. I just have so many questions that will probably never be answered.

"Hello? Did you hear me? I'm going to Asheville. My friend knows a guy there and he's letting us crash on his couch. I don't know how long we're going to be gone, but I'll just call or text if I need you."

If you need me? What if I need you mom? I could just break down and cry.

"Okay mom. Be careful."

In my head I feel angry at her. But in my heart I feel bad for her. There's gotta be something going on for her to act like this. Something's been going on since I was born. Is it me? Probably. She's just always delusional and what not. I realized with her, I always have to be the bigger person. She's very immature for her age. I sigh to myself.

"Bye mom."

She walks out of house with her trash bag full of clothes, a cigarette, liquor, and beer. That's probably the one semi good thing about my mom is that she never cared if me and Tristan smoked weed in the house. As long as she could hit it.

The second the door shuts, I knew she won't be back for at least a week. I make myself a grilled PB & J. Tristan always thought it was gross but I love it. Maybe I'm just a stoner. I sit down and think to myself, what should I do today? I'm off of work, in the mood to hit the beach. Which is a 10 minute walk from my house. It's always been my escape.

Maybe someone will teach me how to surf today, I've always wanted to learn. How can you be from the beach and not know how to surf? I need to find a local. I love talking to locals. Okay enough thinking; I need to smoke a blunt and get my bathing suit on.

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