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"Oh my God, Iselen, you're a great chef..." Ruby licks her fingers before pushing her plate aside and sighs. "The risotto was delicious and I've eaten two pieces of cake... I never have a second helping. I'm going to start running through the beach every morning or I'll get fat but it was so good... Where did you find the candle?"

"In a drawer, I have no idea who left it there but we've been lucky to find in time to take some pictures." My guest nods drinking a sip of wine, her phone is on the table near her elbow and, even if she's muted it, the light turns on and it vibrates constantly getting texts and notifications. Those pictures I took of Ruby holding her cake with the beach, the pink and orange sunset and the sea in the background were very beautiful and she looked happy and relaxed. She posted some of them on Instagram explaining she was lucky since she was spending her quarantine with a friend who knew how to bake vegan desserts and lived near a paradise beach, she sent a message of encouragement to all her fans and begged them to take care and also thanked me for all I'd done for her, although I asked her not to mention my account. Now everybody on social media is wondering who that Iselen chick is and why she manages to make Ruby smile.

"The stars shine so bright on this island..." she whispers leaning forward, putting her elbow on the railing of the veranda to be able to look at the sky.

"There's no light pollution," I answer with the same soft tone of voice.

"There's no light pollution at my home in Australia either and it's near the seashore too but they look different here, closer, I can almost touch them with my hands." I get up abruptly and take a big towel while my guest stares at me baffled, climbing down the stairs and spreading the towel on the white sand that shines under the moonlight like made of powdered pearls. I flop down on the ground and pat the fabric next to me inviting Ruby to copy my movements.

"You have a better view from here..." I whisper tilting my head back.

"You're right," Ruby sits down and sighs. "It's amazing all the things that are happening in our countries, all those people in hospitals and medical staff fighting hard against an unknown enemy... but it feels... weird and far off... Like this beach is the only real thing and the rest of the world has gone nuts." I nod quietly, listening to the soft waves crashing on the sand. "Thank you for this special birthday celebration."

"You're welcome, Ruby Rose, thank you for spending your quarantine with me... paradise would be a boring place without you." The beautiful woman laughs amused and her shoulder grazes mine while we both stare at the stars in the sky... or at least, that's what I think, but the truth is that I feel like being watched. I turn my head and realize that Ruby keeps her eyes fixed on me. "What's wrong?"

"You're lactose intolerant..." I blink confused.

"Mmm... yes, that's the reason why I learnt how to bake vegan desserts, how do you know that?" My guest smirks mischievously, her white teeth sparkle under the moonlight like she's laughing at a joke that only she understands.

"You told me..." I shake my head, I can't remember talking about that today. "In Ibiza... you told me when my friends ordered a traditional dessert from the island, some kind of goat cheese cake, and I was annoyed because I had to eat fruit again. You were there, wearing a white shirt with the name of the restaurant embroidered, and you told me to wait a minute... You came back immediately with some pastries filled with almonds that weren't on the menu, you swore that they were vegan because they had no eggs and you couldn't eat dairy since you were lactose intolerant but those pastries were your favourites... Oh my God, I remember you... You asked me for an autograph the next day and I drew the heart because you'd been very kind to me..." I nod feeling my cheeks turning red.

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