Chapter Five

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Jaebeom was vigorously brushing his teeth when Jinyoung messaged him, letting him know that he was 5 minutes away from his apartment building. He quickly rinsed his mouth then rushed to grab a cap and a light coat. Wearing a cap was just enough to make him appear a little less conspicuous and, unlike the weather in his dream last night, it was a pretty chilly day today.

"Bye~ You be good while I'm gone! I'll be back!" Jaebeom affectionately called to his group of feline companions who were exchanging curious looks at one another as he bolted out the door and to the elevator.

He met Jinyoung just outside of the lobby. He was dressed in a pair of tan slacks, a light blue sweatshirt, and sporting a pair of trendy prescription glasses. Jaebeom excitedly greeted his mate, despite seeing him just the night before. The pair briefly discussed their plan and decided on where they were planning to start today's affairs. They agreed on stopping to grab some coffee en route to the bookstore, then afterwards, they'd explore the area briefly to see if they discover the mystifying woman. At the coffee shop, Jinyoung ordered a plain latte, while Jaebeom opted for the strawberry latte. After receiving their orders, they then made their journey to the quaint bookstore, just like they had on that fateful day, many months ago.

"It's been a while! How've you been, 아가씨 (ah-gah-shi | miss)?" The familiar voice of the bookstore owner called out to the entering pair.

Jinyoung snickered as Jaebeom's mouth widened in fake shock. "Again with the girl jokes? I thought you would've run out of them by now!" Jaebeom remarked following a small pout and a gesture to adjust the long hair under his cap.

"You know I'm just messing with you! You look very pretty, if I'm being honest!" The 할아버지 (Hal-ah-buh-ji | grandpa) admitted, smiling at the cute actions of the younger.

After a small nudge from Jinyoung, Jaebeom made his way to the counter to inquire about any information the old man may have regarding the girl. After describing the incident that took place a few months ago and trying his very best to describe what little aspects of her he managed a glimpse of. The elder hesitated a bit, deep in thought.

"I'm sorry kiddo, I can't recall anyone by that description. If anything, I don't believe she's a regular, but there doesn't seem to be much information to go off of. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help." The man said.

After their brief conversation, Jaebeom apologized for the inconvenience and odd inquiry. They thanked the man for his help, said their goodbyes, and the two exited the establishment. They decided to go for a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood in hopes of happening across the girl, but at the very least, they would be getting in a good amount of fresh air and some exercise. They made their way down a few roads and came across one lined with a unique array of mom and pop stores.

"I've never been this way before." Jaebeom said matter-of-factly to his companion.

Jinyoung then proceeded to glance through the storefront windows to survey the customers in each small building, genuinely curious at what was contained inside. At that moment, the two were stopped in their tracks when someone abruptly opened one of the store's doors, almost hitting the pair as they were making their way past. The girl apologized and Jinyoung smiled and slightly bowed, acknowledging her sincerity. Following their very brief interaction, Jinyoung began to continue on their path when Jaebeom gripped his arm, stopping him once again. Confused, he noted Jaebeom's stunned expression.

"Jinyoung, I smell it." Jaebeom muttered to the other.

Drawing a connection, Jinyoung glanced up at the store that the younger girl had just opened moments ago. The sign read '꽃나래' (goht-nah-ray | Flower Narae). It was clearly a flower shop. 'This is a good sign! We may be able to find out which flower it is that Jaebeom has been smelling!' Jinyoung thought to himself as he dragged the leader behind him into the newly discovered store.

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