season 1 part 15: yukikos castle part 4

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Dark magician is in the air sending out bolts of magic at yukiko who sends out some feathers that catch fire and then explode resulting in another explosion
All the while yukiko is watching dark magician creates a barrier to protect him but realizes that one of the feathers is rockets past him and towards y/n and the others


Dark magician quickly rushes towards to feather but yukiko sends out balls of fire isanagi and jiraya stop the feathers using their body's as shields to protect everyone causing yu and yosuke to be in great pain

Y/n:are you alright

Yu:we're fine do what you need to do

Yosuke:don't worry about us

Chie uses her persona to get to yukiko but yukiko sends out fire straight to chie

Yu:Pyro Jack

Pyro Jack stops the blast and sends it back 10 fold

Yukiko puts herself in a cage protecting her

Y/n:are you serious mahad get back

Dark magician Mahad jumps  back to y/n's side as the chandelier would have hit him

Y/n:I can't believe I forgot about the chandelier are you alright mahad

Mahad:yes my Pharaoh I can keep fighting

Smoke is coming off of mahad robes

Y/n:that's not what I asked

Mahad:im..... I'm alright my Pharaoh are you ok I'm sorry I let one of her attacks get past me

Y/n:it's fine seems the girls are having a conversation

Chie:YOU SEE THE TRUTH IS I'VE ALWAYS BEEN JEALOUS OF YOU YUKIKO you've had everything and me I've had nothing  that's why I loved how you would depend on me you actually needed something I had


Mahad:my Pharaoh

Y/n:what she needed was courage

Chie:I liked believing that I needed to be there to protect you it gave me a purpose

Mahad:a purpose


Mahad:I just remembered something for a long time ago


Mahad had saved y/n or atem at the time from being bitten by a deadly snake y/n sucks the venom out

Mahad:no prince atem don't your the future Pharaoh this is my duty to protect you

Mana is crying over one of her friends getting hurt the three children were playing when  the snake attacked atem mahad thinking quickly pushed atem out of harm's way and the snake bit him instead

Atem:if I an to be Pharaoh then I want my friends by my side all of them the two of you are my best friends so your be by my side if I can't save my friend then what good am I


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