Chapter One: His song

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It was getting dark and cold out in the eerie forest Jeffrey Woods walked along. Going past some trees as the sticks and leaves that hid under the snow crunched below his feet. Walking off the path he was originally planning on taking. Jeff was a killer. One who had committed countless crimes and murders that have still been left unaccountable for.

He was a wanted felon who wore a white blood stain hoodie and had long black hair. His most notable feature being his carved in smile that remained permanently grinning from ear-to-ear. His stare could have easily been one to freak anyone out at first glance. But aside from that, maybe he took his mind off a little too much because he ended up traveling farther out towards the lesser-known areas of the forest. Only snapping out of it when he thought he heard a sing song voice.

Jeff assumed it was his mind playing tricks on him. But he started to realize just how tired he was getting from all this walking. Who was singing that? And why was he so tried? Jeff ended up leaning into a nearby tree and sliding down it until finding himself sitting in the snow. He was growing exhausted the more he heard the distant music. What was it about that song?? It felt as if the music echoed threw the males mind. The unique sounding voice making it harder for him to resist the edge of sleep. But Jeff knew he couldn't. Not here, not now.

"Up and down the London road, In and out the Eagle~"

Sung a clown who continued with this small tune. He worn a wide grin on his black lips as he sung the lyrics to himself. And sat a distance away on the roof of an abandoned shed. He was a black and white monochrome clown character known as Laughing Jack. He had black hair and a long swirly cone nose. And he always appeared to smiling.. However, he was an entity who seemed to be dull and faded in coloration. Might have said something about this whole interacting being offputting.

"Now that's the way the monkey goes~.."

LJ stopped as he began to notice that little somebody catch his eye. Jack's grin slowly growing wider as he hardly ever saw anyone all the way up here. It honestly made the clown more feel intrigued to find out what that was all about. Plus he could possibly make a new 'friend.' The clown was lonely out here all by himself anyways, a little fun never seemed to hurt anybody~ So Laughing Jack let out a mischievious smirk before teleporting himself behind whoever was out there.


Appeared the clown yet Jeff didn't react one bit. He just thought of this as all some sort of hallucination on his mind. Not many would just casually approached him, yet be dressed as a clown of all fucking things. So he payed no attention to the monochrome being that tried to scare him. Laughing Jack on the other hand felt little confused as to not getting a reaction from the other. Well since he'd imagine most people would get at a little startled by him suddenly showing up like that. But a small smirk returned back to his face as he said

"Wow, didn't even flinch huh~ I've got to say, that is kind of impressive right there."

Jeff looked at the monochrome clown and now seemed a bit confused himself.

"Since when do hallucinations talk?"

Jack's eyes widened slightly as Jeff looked up at him, seeing the scars that were deeply cut across his cheeks. It wasn't too common that he came across someone with such an.. unique feature so to say. It kinda fascinated Jack, but of course he was still going to answer Jeff's question

"Well.. Ever since I showed up!"

Jeff continued to stare up at him weirdly then said kind of sarcastically

"Hmm okay then would you at least move yourself a little more over there. I think I'm going to pay my sleep paralysis demon a visit now."

Jeff turned away from him and rested his head back on the tree, trying to ignore the clown that was now in front of him. Jack's grin only grew slightly in response as he continued to stand in place and stare at him. It didn't seem like Jack was going to let Jeff tell him what to do.

"Hah! What's makes you I will."

Jeff simply shrugged, he didn't seem too bothered. Tho his voice sounded kind of cocky, and scratchy too.

"Uhh because I just fucking told you to. Now goodnight clowny all that walking or whatever made me tired."

A look of amusement grew visible on Jack's face once again.

"Then if you're so tired, what are you doing all the way out here in these woods, aww are you lost?~"

Jeff just shook his head with a more annoyed look.

"No I live here a little ways off, do you have to talk to me like I'm some sort of dog?? I was just-- wait why am I still talking to you, man I'm insane.."

Jeff's voice slowly started to drift off into space instead.

"Oh really, well I haven't met very many people that live here. Especially more towards this part of the forest. I guess there's a first for everything right?"

The clown said with a laugh, starting to take a couple steps towards him. Jeff just sat there in silence for a few moments, then looked up at the tree branches.

"Whatever. And does you getting closer supposed to mean you wanna sit with me for a while?"

He rested his head back on the tree trunk still a bit tired.

"Sure, why not.. I'll be glad to keep you company~"

Jack decided to take up his offer and sat down next to him, until Jeff had to ruin it.

"Well shit I wasn't offering but if you want to I guess."

He just sighed again in sadder tone, Jeff suddenly seemed a little upset about something. Jack scoffed and looked over at him. But dropped the act to noticing his hint of sorrow.

"Hey are you ok?"

Jeff sighed again and answered

"Yeah I'm fine... Just a bit stupid."

Sure Laughing Jack might have just looked like a crazed loner clown out here in the forest, but he was good at identifying certain emotions like these. Or at least it seemed that way as he pushed on with the question.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Not really no, but I don't want to talk about it."

Jeff replied, this time surprisingly in a more semi-crying tone as his voice broke.

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