Plane Ride

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" How fucking long am I gonna wait." I groan after I look at my watch.

You might be wondering, who the hell am I? Well I'm here to introduce you about that. Hi, My name's Winry and my creator gave me the sarcastic asshole personality, so this is going to be fun.

"Next!" One of the flight secretary or something I dunno called out.

After realizing I was next and skiddaddle my ass over to them. What I saw was two goddamn furries- Wait shit those aren't furries??? da fuck??

It was uhhh- why can't I tell what animals they are??? Am I stupid?? Clearly I am because the they both have a skunk tail.

One was a female with black and brown fur, brown eyes and wore a yellow sweater with one black arm warmers- wait, that's a sleeve. STOP BEING STUPID ME, UR CREATOR DIDN'T MAKE U LIKE THAT-

Back to what we were doing..AnYwAyS-

The other one had black and white fur with a yellow line following the white line and green eyes. He had a white shirt and a black vest.

"Alright" The female skunk spoke it's ass up.

"I'm Sabrina and the skunk next to me is Cyrus." Was it the black or yellow one who said it? Whatever it probably was the female.

"So Tabitha And Cypher- got it." I said.

"Bitch-" The black and brown skunk spoke.

"Sabrina, not at work-" The other one interrupted Sabrina before she could finish.

"She got our names wrong though Cyrus-" Sabrina complained to her coworker.

"Anyway, what are you here for." Cyrus asked, not even paying attention to Sabrina lmao-

" I have a getaway package ticket." I tried not snickering at his companion who was still fuming.

"We're going to need your name and birthday to confirm you have a ticket." Sabrina stated, finally calmed down.

"My name is Winry La- wait y'all don't need a last name." " My birthday is April 28-" I said, being the dummy that I am, I didn't realize something.

"You get to spend your birthday on a plane with us." The female skunk snickered.



This bitch really laughed at me because I really had to spend my birthday with these hoes. Imma cry.

"Wait, since I'm riding a plane with y'all, y'all are gonna live on my island with me?" I asked them with a confused ass stare.

"Yeah, and you're registered for a getaway package." " We're here for the long run." Cyrus explained as he typed on the computer.

" Where did you live before moving this island?" Sabrina asked while staring at Cyrus, who was busy smacking the computer keys on the keyboard.

" North America." " No. you're not getting more than that, ask for more and I'll crash the plane later." I cross my arms across my chest.

"Alright, so Northern hemisphere?" The male skunk said something before his companion could and highkey thank god, I didn't want to get shitted on by Sabrina, again.

" We currently have four islands available for your choosing in the north hemisphere." Cyrus looked at me.

"The first island has a pp pon-" I snickered.

"Please, shut yo ass up and choose." Sabrina deadpanned.

Well damn, shit- she really can be tough. 10/10 I like her.

I quickly pick out an island and Cyrus continues to smack his keyboard.

Your attention, please. This is a service announcement. The charted flight for Fishbach inc's Getaway Deserted Island Package is ready for boarding.

"Alright bitches, let's go." Sabrina said as she dragged both Cyrus and I through to the boarding dock.

After everyone getting settled on the plane. I finally get a chance TO SIT DOWN, Hell yeah!!!!

" Oh, by the way, you're going to have two residents with you on this island." " No they aren't us." Cyrus told me as he sat across for me.

" Yo Wait, why are we going on a plane if it's raining" Sabrina asked as she looked outside.


Oh shit

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