Chapter 6

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School was boring today. I'd almost say I'm to good for my school. I'm an A student. But my favorite subject isn't maths. No it's Art and Music. I love drawing and I guess I can sing a little but nobody knows that and nobody will know.

I wasn't even tired from staying up so late. I woke up pretty good today actually.


After my last class I get out of the room and walk to my locker. I walk facing down to avoid any eye contact with anyone. As I turn the corner I run into him causing me to drop my books. Ruel. How can I not see this giant human being?

I bend down to pick my books up without saying anything or looking at him.
I can feel him just staring at me doing absolutely nothing. What a gentleman. What else would you except from a bad boy like he is?

I finish grabbing all the books and loose paper from the ground as I stand up to walk the last few steps to my locker.

"Watch where you're going" a girl voice says to me as I walk by her. Victoria. She hates me. I hate her. Perfect relationship. She is the most popular girl in my school but only because she dates Ruel. Well they don't really date. They just use each other. She's enjoying it more that he is though. But what else would they do as teenagers right?

I stop for a second debating if I should say something back to her or just leave it. The introvert person that I am, I keep walking hearing her laugh whilst hugging ruel in his side.

He? He just looked at me the whole time. Like a donkey. Weird kid.


I get out of the school looking for Jason. I can't find him anywhere so I decide to walk home alone. Nope. He comes behind me again. Ruel.

He runs up to me and Beginns to walk with me.
What a prick?! He decides to first stare at me and at the same time pretend like I'm not there and now he wants to walk home with me. AGAIN?

"Look" I say stopping and turning to him seeing he has a surprised look on his face "I don't know what you want but at least explain what you are doing because I am kind of freaked out" I say looking up at him kinda annoyed

"I'm walking home" he says raising his eyebrows and sneaking a little smirk over his lips.

"With... me?" I say pointing to myself raising my eyebrows even higher.

"Well seems like it" he shrugs and just looks down at me.

I give him a confused look turn back forward and keep walking. He giggled a little and then kept walking too.

"See ya" he says quick as he opens the gate to his house and speed walks to his door.

I don't say anything to him. I just kept walking without turning around. But I could feel him watch me until he got into his house.


As I walk into my house I get a text from my mum:

Mum xx
I'll be on a trip with my coworkers. Left you and Jason some money. There is enough food in the house. Love you xx

Thanks mum xx
Take care! Love you too.

My mum is a pretty busy person. She's not home often but I don't mind. My dad left us when I was four Mut she handles it pretty good.

I walk into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. I walk up to my room and jump onto my bed pulling out my phone to check Instagram.

I never really listened to Ruels music to be honest.
Why would I?
Why wouldn't I?
As I think that I go to his Instagram and see a video of him where he seems to be singing one of his songs. A music video. "Dazed and confused". He has quite a following not gonna lie

He isn't that big yet tho. He has a couple thousand followers. Don't get me wrong that is pretty big but at the same time there's bigger people.

I watch the whole music video of him singing and dancing to his own song. I mean it's a typical music video right? Nothing special.

I pull out my laptop too look at some notes that I wrote. 'Unfinished lyrics' says the file that I klick on.

Yes I write lyrics.
No I won't ever publish them.
Why? Because I'm shy.
Yeah I said it I'm a shy little girl from Sydney Australia that is never gonna get big with this crap on my screen. I think to myself as I look at the what seems to be a hundred of unfinished lyrics. I don't know maybe I'm a little jealous of him...

I close my laptop and think about last night. I can't really remember what has happened but I remember little parts. The most important ones I hope. Did he save me? No. He caused it. But why am I not mad at him? I just shouldn't have come to the beach in the first place. I'll be more careful that no one is following me the next time.

I try to get my mind off of it by watching some Netflix. A bunch of horror movies just got added and I wanna watch every single one. I love horror movies. The chills that it gives you and later when you try to fall asleep and feel like someone is watching you. Haha im such a weirdo.

After watching three movies in a row I decide to put my laptop away and head to get a little snack. As I walk downstairs I can hear Jason snoring on the couch. I tippy toe my way over to him to take a snap of his drooling face and send it to a friend of mine. An Internet friend.

I head to the kitchen as I get a snap reply only to see that I sent the snap to Ruel and not to my friend. I instantly cover my mouth in shock as I open his snap and see him pretending to sleep with his mouth open just as my brother. "Good night" I read as the snap closes again. Should I reply? No.

I put my phone down after taking a quick look at the time. 11:30pm. I don't care. I stay up late every day. Everyone can tell by my under eye color. It almost looks like I have a black eye. It's fine tho I don't care. There's no one to be pretty fore.

I open the snack-cabinet only to see that Jason already ate half of what my mum bought leaving a couple of M&m's and some chocolate bars as well as half a can of Pringle's behind.

I sigh to myself taking one chocolate bar and the half empty Pringle's can. But before I  head back upstairs, I take the M&M's and hide them in the cupboard where all the spices are in. Jason hate spicy stuff so he would never look there. Entering my room I sit on my bed and open my laptop again to look if I might have not watched one of the horror movies that is on Netflix yet. But I watched every one already.

As I finish watching another episode of stranger things instead. For the 100th time. I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I get back to my room and lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I wonder if my life could be anymore exciting I sarcastically say to myself as my thoughts drift off and I fall asleep.


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