Chapter 9

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I didn't sleep. I just cried. And thought. Thought about everything. Everything that happened. The good and the bad. What actually happened? Was that Ruel? Was it just an act? Maybe Ruel wasn't bad. Maybe he's just playing a role. But if he was why?


The first beams of sunlight started to slip trough my window signaling me that it was already morning.

My eyes are dry. My knees are week. My stomach hurts. I'm hungry.

I get downstairs to grab myself some food. No one was awake yet so I was trying to be quiet.

I felt my clothes still kinda wet from the night before. They dried a little but we're still wet here and there. It didn't bother me though.

I made a sandwich and got back up to my room locking myself inside. I opened the window and looked outside. It was a good day today.

'Maybe I should... go out?' I thought. Ugh who am I kidding. A girl walking around all alone? I could just stay inside. It's not like anyone would want to go out with me.

Never mind I'm going out today.


I leave the house and text my mom I'm out.
I plan the route I'm gonna walk and start walking away from my house.

I get to the park where I was last night and it reminded me of all the things that happened. I mean, I never forgot because it's the only thing I've been thinking about for 20 hours but still, being here made it worse.

I turn on my heals and start to walk in the opposite direction until I get to a more busy street. There are a couple people walking. All in groups of three to six. Everyone looks like they are having fun, and here am I. All alone.

I start walking to the pier which will take me a couple minutes so I get out my headphones and start to blast some music.

I start walking to the rhythm of my music and nod my head to the drums. I start jamming a little more and it seems like the world around me is disappearing. Until...

BOOM.. crAshh!

I run into someone and end up on the hard burning floor. I drop my phone and instantly check if it's broken. It's laying on the floor screen down and I'm already mentally preparing myself to see a shattered screen.
And as I thought, my screen is broken.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself totally ignoring the person in front of me speaking and asking if I was okay.

"Hello? Are you ok?" I hear the familiar voice ask over and over again. Shit. I know who this is. It's. Him.

"I'm fine thanks" I say getting up and stabilizing myself.

"Omg Y/N I didn't recognize you behind all this hair" he says laughing after.

"Well I didn't recognize you either. Hi" I say in a kinda pissed tone.

"You good?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder and huffing a little laugh again.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I say looking at my phone and admiring the BeAuTiFuL shattered screen.

I hear a girl laugh behind Ruel and see Vic with a couple of other girls. I look at them and then back at Ruel. He follows my eyes and his smile vanished. He looked down and cleared his throat.

"Ok so see ya" he says giving me a weak smile and returning to the girls that we're looking at me with disgust written on their faces.

Ruel walked to Vic and put his arm around her shoulder. I watched until Vic gave me a bitchy look and my eyes darted to the floor.

"Lets get away from this sadness" I heard her say. The other girls laughed and I heard Ruel chuckle too. Little bastard.

I don't unterstand him. I don't understand why I don't understand him. I'm usually so good at reading people and their emotions but I don't know if he is just playing with me or if he is really trying to be nice and just acts in front of Vic and the others.

Either way it hurts even if he is just acting. I keep telling myself that this is all bullshit and I shouldn't care about him that much. I mean I shouldn't.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and start walking again. I walk to the pier and keep walking until I get to the end. I look over the fence that is placed all around the pier. The waves are crashing against the poles splashing water up until it hit the fence and almost me.

It looks peaceful yet scary. I felt lonely but in a good way. My hair was blowing in the wind and it kind of felt like a movie scene not gonna lie.

The wind got stronger and there were a couple clouds forming in the sky. The waves started crashing higher and I felt a large amount of water get to my legs.

I backed up a little looking down at my yet again wet pants. "Nice" I said to myself as I turned around and ran into someone again.

"Ooof" I say followed by "oh I'm sorry"

"Oh yeah? You should be" I hear Vitoria say in her familiar bitchy voice.

My hearts starts beating faster and my eyes dart to her and back down to my feet.

Ok so yet again I haven't posted in a while... I'm sorry if you want more but sometimes I just don't have enough motivation :0

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter
:)))))) even tho it is rather short...

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