People's Obsession On Girls

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I dont know what to write about this because I can't write those words which are coming in my mind. I knew that not everyone in this world just read my article but I would feel somehow relax after writing this.

I'm just fed up because of people's cheap thinking on every other girl.
They just criticize every women on her any decision. What the fuck do they want from us ?
Every other women in our society have resilience and potential to face everything and to take any proper decision and also they have a right to do this.

Now WTF is this?
'Too much makeup?'
'Three years gone after her marriage. No baby yet?'
'She has male friends? She's not a right girl '
'She hangs out at midnight? She's not a right girl'
'She's not married yet at the age of 23?'
'She doesn't know about cooking ate the age 24?'
'She's too much fat? No one is going to marry her'
'She's too much thin? How's she going to give birth to a baby?'
'Your skin is so dead and dull, use some products'
'Look which type of clothes she's wearing'
'She talks with boys, she's not a right girl '
'Look how she's overreacting'
'She listens too much songs at this age ?'

                  BLAAH BLAAH !

           Show some humanity🥀

Dear People!

You are no one to say like this to anyone. Firstly just see yourself.

Todays women are also justifying other women.
However they are also a women.

Just think that someone can go in depression just because of your harsh words,illiteracy and cheap mind.

Let yourselves know about the difference between these two words: 'Liberal' and 'Wrong Person'

Azad khayal (liberal) is very and very opposite word to ghalat lrki/lrka (wrong person)

Dont be just out of mind just show some intellectuality.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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