Chapter 6: Goodbye Despair

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~~Jill's POV~~
We're running down the hall and we stop, we see a small tunnel full of bones, and a door.
"We're going on the bones..riiight?"Whispers squeaky
"Nope!"Replies neon running into the dark room. We head down in fear knowing only 3 people have ever left this cave. We make it and stop, seeing many of the people in the white surrounded by candels singing in Latin. We creep past them and see a hole, we toss a flaming piece of paper to see how deep it is, it seems to be about 30 feet so Glacé lowers down a rope.
"Let's go!" Yells neon sliding down the rope, one by one we go down with me last, I decide to go with my back facing down, as I lower myself I feel my hat fall,
"Got it!" I hear squeaky tell from below me, suddenly my headlamp flashes and I start to see a girl in the white with long black and red hair, she smiles and I see her teeth, dirty and yellow. She looks likes she's been here for years, suddenly her smile stops as she waves and yanks the rope, I feel myself falling and grasping for bricks, everything is quiet...

5 remain. 3 will leave. As above, so below.

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