Chapter 8; The Cave of Blood and Tears

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(this part is third person)

The remaining members of the group walk down a long dark tunnel, dripping walls and dark corridors surround them, they can hear the echoing sound of water hitting the floor. Furiex drops to the floor

"I cant go on!" She screams, tears forming around her eyes.

"Were gonna make it!" Says Neon, her voice echoing down the cave.

"But I know youve heard them! The voices, your just ignoring them!" She replies,

Suddenly a wall appears at one end of the cave, moving closer and closer casting an eerie red glow. "Run!" Yells Squeaky as everyone begins running faster than ever before down the seemingly neverending corridor, the wall gets faster, faster, coming closer and closer. Suddenly Squeaky hears a thud, a scream, and a splash, he turns and only sees darkness.

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