Part 1: Takaki's Diary

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Day 1

Baka Arioka!!!! Why is it so hard to sign those damn papers? And to ask me to follow his rules before the divorce? BAKA BAKA BAKA!!

He makes me hates him even more! Silly shorty! What am I going to tell Rose? She will never be ok with this...


Day 2
And the hateful days begin. Seriously I have no idea what he is trying to achieve. Hoping me to love him again? We are even sleeping in separate room! But yeah... I don't have much choice do I?

Let's see what he wants- hmm... do not see Rose, a bouquet with card everyday, dinner at home everyday and kiss him goodnight everyday- all to be done for thirty days. THIRTY DAYS???? Heck that's a long time!! Crazy Daiki!!

Rose, gomen ne. I have to do this. It's for us, for our future. I know you'll understand. Once I get the divorce papers sign we can be together- forever.

Today's bouquet card: Just sign the divorce agreement.


Day 3

Silly things are just silly. I burst out during dinner last night. Not my fault- that silly Daiki was babbling about his so called memories. What the f*ck????? It's not something I want to hear after a long tiring rehearsal!! He also make me wait for hours because he wants to be 'the good spouse who cooks'. Who cares about that when your stomach is grumbling like hell?? Seriously I don't understand him!

The goodnight kiss? Yeah... I just kiss his hand. He never specified anything so I think that's good enough. He didn't complain though.

Bouquet's card: Let's divorce.


Day 5

Weekend- a whole day with him. It feels awkward- it was so relaxing. Sitting at the patio under the sun and having a maid (of course it is Daiki) serving me all the food and drinks- it feels so good! Daiki stupidly do all I asked him to. Maybe if I asked him to sign the divorce papers he might have done it!

Did I mention that I had my favorite food for dinner? Those abalones were so delicious!!! Must have taste better if Rose was the one who cooked it instead of that Daiki.

Bouquet's card: I leave the papers in the living room drawer. Sign it.


Day 8

No dinner today. Daiki went to JUMP house babysitting Ainosuke since yesterday. Yabu and Inoo are both filming in Korea and Yama-chan who is supposed to be in charge fall sick too! Look like the hay fever season is coming. Daiki said he'll be there until Yabu gets back.

Seems like it's my instant noodles night again (sigh).

Bouquet's card: Come home and cook. You know I hate instant food.


Day 13

Dai-chan is home! Hurray for proper meals!!!!! Ramen banzai!!! That was so delicious! I ate three big bowls! Never thought I'll miss his cooking this much.

He looks so tired today. Must be hard caring for sick people at the other house. Yabu and Inoo should just hire a babysitter for Ainosuke and stop bothering Dai-chan.

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