Chapter One: Welcome to Halloween Town!

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In the town full of screams.

That you may have seen in your dreams.

But the story that is about to be told is from the world of old.

Waiting to be unfold.

Welcome to Halloween Town!


"Sal!" I shouted, trying to catch up with him.

"Good evening, my Pumpkin Queen." He said, giving me a little bow.

"Oh please my dearest friend, lift your head and say my name." I said, picking up his head with my bony fingers.

His big eyes looking through my skeleton soul. Grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips.

"Jaqeline my dearest, I'm happy to see you." He said, standing up while still holding my bony hand in his big fabric one.

"Is everything alright Sal? You seem more scary than most of the people in town." I asked, hoping for a honest answer from my closest friend.

He ran his hand through his yearn like red hair. One of many things that he would do when he was upset or nervous.

"Dr. Frankenstein won't seem to let me have my peace. I feel like she is going to make me re-dig my grave with all the most recent 'ideas' that mad woman is having. I swear I'd rather rip my head off and throw it into the well." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"My my, I have a feeling someone's staffing is getting lose. Why don't I tell the good doctor that I need to borrow you for a few days for some help around my house. How does that sound?" I said, giving him my genuine smile.

Within a second, I was wrapped up in a pair of arms.

I could feel my dead heart pounding through my barely fleshed chest.

"I'm so grateful. Thank y-" He was cut off when he saw my face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, you just look beautiful that's all. I mean, you look pretty when you're blushing. No I - I mean -" I cut him off with a quick kiss on his lips.

"Calm down Sal. I'll see you later, alright?" I said, walking towards the doctor's tower.

"Jaqeline, wait." He grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him.

"What is it Sal?" I looked up at him with curiosity.

"It's just... Tonight can know, have some time together?" He asked, too embarrassed to look at me.

I could feel heat on my pale face.

"Sure. Zero misses you." I said, turning around and finally walking away.

Just walking away from him, my dead heart started to stop in peace.

Sal was the only one to make my dead skeleton body do this.

A gust of wind blew my long white hair all around.

Starting to loss my mind with hearing nothing but the sound of my heels hitting the stairs shaped stones.

I did promise Sal that I would talk to the doctor.

As the Pumpkin Queen, I always go by my word.

I took the short cut through the graveyard, stopping to get Zero.

Zero is my pet cat.

Well, ghost cat. You could say that curiosity got the best of her.

"Come on Zero." I said, patting my lap at Zero's grave.

She glided up from the dry dirt.

"Meow." She purred up at me, circling around me.

"Come on, we have to stop by Dr. Frankenstein's house. Sal wants to stay with us for a few days." I explained, walking carefully making sure not to step on the graves.

"Meeeooww!!" She purred excitedly.

Within a few minutes, we arrive at the good doctor's home.

As we approach the door, I could hear yelling.

Oh my, I hope everything is fine.

I opened the door, being greeted by a room with chemicals and broken glass on the table. I guess Sal does a poor job of cleaning. "Hello! Dr. Frankenstein?"

"Go away!! I'm in the middle of some experiments!" I heard her yell from up stairs.

"Oh but please doctor I need to speak with you!" I called back to her, hoping she will realize that it's me.

"Do you have warms crawling in your ears?! I SAID LEA-" She cut off when she rolled by the edge of the stairwell.

"Oh, please forgive me my dear. I thought you were someone else." She said, lowering her voice.

"I'm sorry, but I was hoping to speak with you about Sal." I said, walking inside the building.

"What has that wretched boy done now?" She asked, rolling down the slope like stairs.

The poor woman was in a wheelchair, she died from unknown reasons.
She was fragile looking, pieces of her pale gray hair sticking up, showing her brain cap.

"Oh no, Sal hasn't done anything wrong. I just simply came to ask if I can borrow him for a few days." I asked, holding back my pleading voice.

"What for my dear?" She asked, lifting up her cap. Showing her large and pale pink brain, scratching the large blob.

I know that everything here has to be scary and frightening, but this sight was beyond anything that I've seen.

"Well, hmmm... I need help in my house. You see, Halloween is just around the corner. So I just need someone to help me get my house ready while I'm getting the town ready for scares and frights." I said, trying to sound excited about the thought of Halloween.

Honestly though, it's the same every year.

I'm getting tired of the screams and heart racing frights.

"Ah, I see. Very well, you may borrow him. Be careful though my dear, he can be sneaky and get into things that he isn't supposed to." She warned, rolling towards the front door.

"Thank you doctor." I said, letting myself out.

As soon as the door closed behind me, I breathed a sigh of relief.

That woman makes the monsters look like their nothing but cute animals.

She made my nerves tighten and make my dead heart beat faster. I was so nervous that I'm sweating up a storm.

"Alright, let's go home Zero." I said, walking back out of the doctor's gates and heading home.

"We have to get everything perfect for when Sal comes." I said, feeling the joy in the pit of my stomach.

Tonight will be great.


Hello my little monsters,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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