Chapter 1

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It was a monotonous day at Hellington High. Students walked into the courtyard looking like they were being tortured to go to school. Everyone having their own groups of friends. Sitting on what seemed to be their assigned seats for the year because they would sit there every morning.

But something in my gut gave me a feeling of despair and depression. Something wasn't sitting right with me, and it wasn't the Mexican food I had yesterday that I drank with chocolate milk. The clouds in the sky were grey which matched the mood of all the students. I tried to ignore the sense and looked for my best friend Piper. He's been my best friend since kindergarten. No we don't live in the same neighborhood, but our parents are the same, they both think that it's important to live in a forever home...well forever.

"Hey Eva, how's it going?" he asked while embracing me.

"I'm good, you know I hate it here, this is like a prison, white walls, scheduled times, being told how many times we are allowed to use the bathroom."

"To think it would get better yet here we are, senior year, can't wait to get out."

I nodded in agreement.

The suckiest part about this school was the amount of distance they decided to put between me and Piper. We never had a class together all 4 years, and this year our classes were on the opposite sides of the campus. Even though we didn't have the same classes, we tried seeing each other in the halls and after school I would usually go over to his house.


During third period it was English class. It was the one class I liked and paid attention in. But today was weird. The mood of the classroom was quiet, I don't know if it was just me but everything felt odd. I couldn't explain it.

While listening to the teacher talk about Shakespeare, my head started to hurt. I'm not one to get migraines so I was confused on why I had one in the first place. Chest pains followed the headache and I panicked for a moment and then it went away.

I started getting flashes of events in my head that I couldn't explain. The surroundings were familiar but the background was filled with silhouettes.

I raised my hand and asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. When I got there I put water on my face. Maybe I was tired because I was sleeping restlessly. When I removed my hands from my face, my heart started racing as I viewed what was in front of me. It was my reflection in the mirror but my eyes were...different colors, almost like a mood ring. I shut my eyes tight and opened them again, the colors of the mood ring disappeared and my hazel eyes were shown once again.

When I walked out of the bathroom I luckily ran into Piper.

"Hey Eva, you okay? You're looking a bit pale!" He looked at me worryingly.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have a headache, I'll be okay, I think it's the weather affecting my mood. Anyways, why are you on this side of the campus?"

He usually has class on the other side, unless he's skipping. He doesn't usually skip but sometimes he can't help it because he hates his third period teacher, its physical education I believe.

"Oh um, just the usual skip." He said nervously.

Why was he nervous? Was he hiding something? Before I got the chance to ask I got the feeling in my head and chest again. I clenched my jaw to keep it from showing.

"I'm gonna go back to class before Ms.Haven gets mad at me, see ya later Pipes" I waved to him.

I went back to class and the teacher looked at me. She looked worried. I was the quiet student in class, rarely ever asked to leave the room, I guess she could see the anxiety I had because of the reoccurrence of my headache and chest pain.

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