NoCo-Happy Valentines pt.1

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Codys POV:
As soon as Noah left the house I grabbed my cell phone and texted Trent


Yeah Cody?   
I need to get Noah stuff
for Valentines and i need
someone to come with me
and since you are dating
Justin maybe you could
come with me?
Sure Cody
I need to get stuff for
Justin anyways lol

You guys were the
Most unexpected

**At the mall**
"And then we just kissed" I said after telling Trent how me and Noah got together.
"You guys have the best getting together story"
Trent says
"Hold up,We need to get stuff for Justin right?"
"What does he like?"
"What do you think"Trent replies sarcastically
"Pretty sure we can get some good clothes at Lindsays store"
"Lindsay has a store?" Trent asks
"Yeah,it just opened"

———————— Time skip———————————
"I think Justin will love those clothes Trent"
"I hope so"
"Calm your boots Trent"
"Yeah Trent?"
"Isn't that Noah and Sierra?"

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