NoCo-Unhappy Valentines pt.3

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Noah's POV:
It's been a week since the incident
The only person who believes me is LeShawna and she has been trying to cheer me up
I text him daily begging him to come back home and how Sierra kissed me but I got no response

I haven't left the house in days and I'm getting spammed with notifications from the others asking why I did it

Everything is ruined
Ever since the incident I started drinking
At least I'm not an aggressive drunk,according to LeShawna I'm practically the same
I haven't told her about the cutting though
I walk over to the fridge
Crap I'm out of groceries..
I grab my things and head to the supermarket and upon my arrival everyone is staring

Cody did forget one thing to bring though
His stuffed emu..
Sometimes I like to hold it and cry myself to sleep
After grabbing all my stuff I get a text
"Please be Cody.."
It's LeShawna asking me where I am
I text her back saying I'm fine I'm just buying groceries
I walk into the drinks section and see a 6 pack of light beer..
I put it in the cart
Then I see it
Cody's favourite drink,Capri sun
I buy a big case
After I bought all my stuff I head home.,

I text Cody one more time asking him to meet me at the park at night

Cody's POV:
I got another message from him asking to meet in the park..
LeShawna has been spamming me like crazy how Noah has started drinking.
I still love him but..why did he do it?

LeShawna POV
I walk into Noah's apartment
The smell of beer is strong as usual
Then I see Noah passed out drunk cuddling with Cody's stuffed emu
"Oh great" I hear from behind me
"Who is it?!" I look around and see Izzy
"LeShawna,it smells like beer in here"
"Yeah,Noah has been drinking"
"You still believe him?"
"I don't trust that Sierra girl at all"
"Izzy,help me bring him to bed"
We carry Noah to bed and close the bedroom door
"I think I'm starting to believe Noah as well"
"You do?!"
"Yup,I checked the security tapes and Sierra totally came onto him"
"I knew it!"
"She has also tried to visit Cody"
"How is Cody?"
"He's fine but he misses Noah,even if he won't admit it he still loves him"
"We have to show Cody the security tapes"
"I tried but he won't come out of the room"
"I have an idea!"
"And that idea is?"
"We use his Emu to lure him out and play the tapes while he comes for it"
"That's...a great idea!"
"But we need the tapes first"
"I can always ask Tyler since he's the night guard at the mall"
"Right now to get the Emu off Noah.."
"He's gonna kill us if he catches us taking it"
"So we be stealthy Leshawna"
"You get the Emu and I'll ask Tyler"
"Meet at my house"
———-Time skip———-
"Right so you have the tapes Leshawna?"
"Yup,and you"
Izzy holds the stuffed emu in the air
"Now we set the trap"
Izzy puts the emu on the chair as Leshawna puts on the tape


Cody walks out of the room and sees the stuffed emu
"Is that my.."
He hears the TV turn on
"What the..."
Cody sees the exact moment that Sierra kisses Noah

"S-so he wasn't lying?"
Leshawna walks out of the kitchen
"Now go to him,he needs you right now"

——at the apartment—-
Noah's POV:
I looked everywhere for it!
"W-where is it?!, I can't lose it!"
I sit on the floor and start to cry
Then I hear a knock on the door
"G-go away"
I know that voice
I run to the door in tears

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