The Beginning

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Upon entering the infirmary, I had set about disposing of any bodies Hierophant Green had cause while Noriaki dealt with the Kujo boy, using my stand to defend when needed and distracting the other teen when told to. I had seen larger men die at our hands; I had taken many a life in the search for the Kujo boy with the star on his shoulder. I have seen what happens when you fail DIO too often...

But nothing could have prepared me for when he deflected the emerald splash with ease. I was terrified for the first time in a while, the sight before me was nothing short of brutal, my brothers head close to crushed while the Kujo boy insulted us both had sent me over the edge. Queen of Swords had lunged at him, and attacked without mercy, landing hit after hit to his body before I was knocked out by his stand. The last thing I remember was reaching for Noriaki before everything went black.

(Time skip: two hours later)

To say I've been in stranger places then this would be a small lie. Waking up in a random house, with 3 different men staring at me and a strange woman tending to my wounds is most definitely bizarre. I slowly turn my head, shoulder and neck screaming in pain as I do so, seeing my little brother in a worse state than I am. I reach out for him when I notice him bleeding, a clear expression of panic on my face when I glance at the strange men who seemed to give me a wary look, the same one I must have been giving them.

"Relax, he's fine just asleep," The one dressed in tan says, "but since you're awake, tell us what you were doing attacking my grandson." I glared at him, making no move to answer in any way before my gaze moved back to Noriaki. I tried my best to move closer to him while trying not to undo the wraps the nice women had done for me. I laid his head on my lap and gently rubbed his temples, like I would when we were younger, looking back at the three men warily while the nice women offered me some tea. *The one in black is staring at me again...* I thought before looking down at the sound of groaning, watching my brother wake up. "W-what happened?" He seems so confused when he moved a hand up to his head, relaxing when he felt my hands rubbing his temples before getting a hurt look on his face when he turned his head, the fabrics rubbing against his injuries don't help either, only causing more pain.

The one dressed in red looks us over before explaining what happened. "So, we were under the control of a flesh bud and attacked you? I'm sorry for that." my brother apologizes for something we had no control over, just like always. However, I'm still on edge around these strangers, looking around to memorize all points of escape, the red one seems to notice my unease and whispers to the tan one. I stare at them with bated breath and sharp eyes, my stand unintentionally showing itself, seeming more spooked than I am. The tan and red man seem shocked before whispering again. The tan man takes one look at us and nods before speaking, "You two can stay here for the night so we can make sure your wounds are healed." He says, he has a grandfatherly aura around him, I felt much calmer than when I first woke up thanks to that small smile that seems to always be on his face. Next thing I know, I had fallen right back asleep to the feeling of my stand rubbing my head.

The next morning, I was woken by yelling and a bang on the wall. Running to the kitchen, in my panic I hadn't seen the now open wound on my side. Seeing the woman, who I came to know as Ms. Holly, passed out on the ground with thorny vines on her back and a fever too high to be natural gave me more fear than it should have as I knelt on the ground next to her, taking her from avdols hands. I never want to see that again, I never want to see the grandfather crying in the corner, never wanted to see Jotaro, the same kid that kicked my ass to hell and back, silent not with anger, but sadness.

It had taken a few hours for Ms.Holly to wake up. Jotaro and Mr. Joestar were with her the entire time, taking care of her and making sure she was okay despite their own states. Seeing them care for her as I do Nori felt...right in a way.

So, when Mr. Joestar said they were going to Egypt to find a cure and deal with the one who caused this pain, I just had to go with them. My shaking hands and fast writing almost made my words unreadable, but the message had gotten across if the shocked look turned grin on Mr. Joestars face was anything to go by. Even with Nori at my side I was nervous to face DIO once again, but I would do it for Ms. Holly. Thus, beginning our journey to save Ms. Holly and stop DIO from taking over the world and whatever else he may have planned. All I can say is...

This will be a very bizarre adventure.

(Updated chapters go brrrrr)

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