Chapter 11

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                                                               The Audible


The sun spilled over Alexandria in a golden blanket of warmth. Altha'ari was in his stables tending his horses needs, and Hazi was clinging to the top of his back. Weeks had gone by since Altha'ari had his epic clash with Anubis, and Tara had come and gone in preparation of sneaking Cleopatra across the border. Khasiran walked out of the doorway, peering around to find Altha'ari in the stables with the golden stallion.

" That thing still clings to you as if we were ten years of age and it needed you." Khasiran said, pointing out the vesper hanging on Altha'ari.

" He does indeed. Hazi has always been as loyal a friend as any man." Altha'ari said jokingly." I suppose I should feed us, he usually keeps to himself unless he is hungry."

" I am probably about to head into the town for a moment, I have wasted a lot of my day doing a whole lot of nothing." Khasiran said.

" Alright, be safe brother." Altha'ari responded. " I will probably just sped my day here at the stable."

The two separated once more. Altha'ari headed through the door and Khasiran headed down the stone street. Once in the house Altha'ari cut the tiny vesper a few chunks of salted meat. He sat in silence as he watched the tiny creature fiddle with the food. His mind quickly overtook his eyes as he started to daydream. The sun was now over the horizon as dusk settled in. Tara Alhabu'. Tara Alhabu' had become all he could think about at night, and tonight was no different.

He had assumed she would stay, and after the events that unfolded in the underworld these thoughts were only bolstered. She had promised to start again with him once it was over, only now that looked as if she had only said that to silence him in the moment. His mind faded into bliss as he thought of her bubbly personality. Her smile so full of life he could not help but smirk at the thought of her. He looked up to find his vesper now finished with his food and napping on his arm. He looked around, gathering his wits once more he stood to walk upstairs to get some sleep in.

His footsteps heavy on the stairs Altha'ari was visibly upset. His animal companion could sense it as well and became restless on his shoulder. Altha'ari shewed him away and the bat flew up the stairs and into the rafters once more. He reached the top of the stairs to find the shutters of his windows open. He stepped to the doorway leading to the stairs and grabbed the sword he kept on the wall there. He waited in silence, attempting to hear any breathing or movements.

" A little hostile aren't we Altha'ari." A familiar voice came.

" Hathor!" Altha'ari proclaimed. " You are a sight for sore eyes."

" As are you my champion." Hathor smiled.

" So, uhh." Altha'ari blushed. " Why are you in my bed exactly?" Altha'ari Questioned.

" Do you make all of your guests sit on the floor?" Hathor joked.

" No its just uhh." Altha'ari stammered. " You don't exactly wear clothes."

" I get it now. You are thinking of Tara." Hathor prodded.

" How do you know this?" Altha'ari asked.

" I know all there is to know about you my child." Hathor returned. " Now, sit."

" ok, but are you going to tell me why you are here?" Altha'ari asked. " You never appeared to me before all of this happened."

Altha'ari: Burning SandsWhere stories live. Discover now