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"EEEEKKKKK" semi squealed as i told him what tendou had said
"shut uppp" i whisper shouted throwing my pillow at him
he started howling with laughter
i couldn't help but laugh with him
"YAKISOBAS READY!!" my okaasan called up the stairs
we stopped laughing and looked at each other before both jumping up and racing downstairs
we sat down
"calm down you two" my okaasan said smiling at us
as we wolfed down the meal
"THANK YOU OKAASAN" i called as we raced upstairs
"THANK YOU ASUMIYA" semi called straight after me
i closed my bedroom door and flopped onto the bed next to semi
"it's fate" he whispered
"what is?"
"you and tendou" he said smiling
"what do u mean?" i mumbled
"you're like perfect for each other"
i blushed and chucked a pillow at him
"SHUSHHH SAYURI'S SLEEPING!" i shouted back and immediately covered my mouth with my hand
my little sister sayuri must have woken up because i heard her crying
i heard my okaasan walk up the stairs to her room
i knew she was going to come for us next
"BYE OKAASAN WE'RE GOING FO THE PARK" i whisper shouted as we ran for our life's out of the front door
we made it to the park even though we were having one of our laughing fits and walked through the woods like we usually did
"put some music on and NOT crappy music"
i nodded and put on Dreams- Grace Joyner
- song at the top -
"i'll allow it once, then put a better song on!" semi said
i rolled my eyes and laughed
"TAG" he said touching my shoulder and running off
"OI THATS NOT FAIR" i screamed as i raced after him
he stopped suddenly staring at something
"what the he-"
i stopped as i saw who he was staring at
"maybe it is fate" i whispered
"you sound like ushijima again" he said laughing
i burst out laughing too
we had another laughing fit and fell to the floor of the forest
"semi? y/n?" someone questioned
i looked up
"oh hi tendou" i managed to say while rolling on the floor with laughter
semi couldn't breathe and it just made everything funnier
i stood up and bent over with my hands on my knees
"do not look at me semi" i said turning away and panting
he did the same
we both looked at each other at the same time and burst out with laughter
"sorry about this tendou" semi said panting
i finally pulled it together
"you wanna play tag with us?" semi asked him
"tags for babies" tendou replied
"we know!" me and semi said at the same time
"okay sure then" tendou mumbled
i touched semis shoulder
"HA GOT YOU" i screamed and ran off
i ran out of the woods and onto a grassy patch to realise that semi was right behind me
"AGSGSHSGSHD" i screamed as semi tackled me to the floor and landed on top of me
i saw tendou was watching as semi pinned me to the floor
i kicked semi off and ran over to tendou and tapped him on the shoulder
he laughed and started running after me
i knew there was no way i would get away from him so i hid behind a tree
i thought he was gone
i felt a pair of arms around me
"AGSGGSGSSH" i screamed as tendou picked me up and walked me over to semi
"here u go semi" he said placing me gently on the ground
we looked at him with confused faces
"you're like in love with each other!" he shouted
"YEAH WE LOVE EACH OTHER SHES LIKE MY SISTER" semi shouted wrapping his arms around me
"and he's like my brother" i said grinning at tendou
"anyways gotta go, y/n tell ur okaasan that i'll make cookies for her to say sorry for waking sayuri up" semi said
"you also owe me some cookies semi" i said laughing as he walked off
"you going as well?" i asked tendou
"not unless u want me to"
"then in that case, stay?"
he nodded
"tell me about urself y/n" he said as we walked more into the woods
"hmmm there's not much to say, i like to play volleyball and my favourite colours blue" i said as i hummed pink bubblegum, my favourite song
"c'mon ur a lot more interesting than that" he said
"i'm afraid i am not" i said as i hummed the chorus to pink bubblegum
"well first of all, you're very pretty, you have beautiful e/c eyes that could make anyone feel special, you have these weird laughing fits with semi but i love them because your laugh sounds angelic and i often wish i was the one making you laugh and there's so much more about you but it would take me years to list them all" he said smiling at me
i stopped in my tracks and blushed
"you mean that?" i asked
"with all my heart" he mumbled grinning at me
"t-t-tendou i don't even know what to say" i whispered
"then don't say anything" he murmured and he bent down and kissed me very lightly
his lips were so soft
he grabbed my hand before i could react and started running
"i'm taking you home" he said as he ran ahead of me dragging me along
i couldn't believe what just happened
he dragged me all the way to my road
"i'll say bye here" he whispered to me
he bent down and kissed me lightly again
this time a little longer and i caught a hold of my senses as to what was happening and kissed him back
he pulled away after a few moments with a shocked look on his face
i stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear
"see you tomorrow tendou" and kissed him on the cheek
it was his turn to blush
and i walked away to my house leaving him there shooketh
"OMG OMG OMG" semi shouted jumping up and down as i told him what had happened
it was the next day and we were on our way to school
"shushhhh" i said putting a finger to his lips and turning my head to check no one had heard
we arrived at the school and before i knew it
it was the end of the day
i waved goodbye to my friends and headed over to the gym
i was humming pink bubblegum as usual
i stepped inside to see everyone already there
ushijima nodded at me like usual
goshiki waved at me and
shirabu shouted "HI Y/N" making everyone's heads turn to me and him hugging
"Y/N" i heard semi call
i walked over to him and gave him a hug as well
"don't look but tendous staring at u" he whispered into my ear
i laughed and pulled away from him turning around to see that he was correct
tendou was in fact staring at me
i pretended not to notice
"i made you cookies" semi mumbled
my head snapped back around
"AGHHDHSHE I LOVE YOU SEMI" i shouted as i took a container of cookies from his hand
"i love you too y/n but please, please do not eat them all at once again"
"i'll try" i said grinning
"here's another box for your okaasan" he said as he passed me another container full of cookies
i took them and placed both containers into my backpack
semi started laughing at my face as i looked at the cookies
"no please please no" i heard goshiki mutter behind us as i started laughing as well
soon semis laughs turned into howls which just made it more funny
we were both on the floor trying to stop laughing but every time we stopped we would just start again
"someone please help them" goshiki said
i watched as ushijima walked over and picked up semi dragging him to the storage cupboard
i watched semis face and i couldn't stop laughing
i felt someone pick me up and take me outside
it was tendou
i still couldn't stop laughing
i felt his lips on mine which shut me up pretty quickly
he deepened the kiss and i allowed him before realising where we were
i pulled away
"not here" i said wagging a finger at him
he looked surprised that i actually allowed him to deepen it and i walked in grabbing my stuff
"im going home now" i said to semi who had already calmed down in the gym
he waved at me
i walked out and started to walk out of the gates
i heard footsteps behind me and saw that tendou had ran to me
"i'm walking you home" he said smiling at me
i just smiled back
"you tell me about yourself tendou" i said after a few moments of silence
"you can call me satori y/n" he said grinning at me
"okay then, satori tell me about yourself" i murmured as i hummed pink bubblegum once again
"well, i love playing volleyball and i have a huge crush on a girl" he mumbled smiling
my heart sank
"why the fucc would u kiss me then?!" i said getting angry
"because it's you i have a huge crush on y/n"
i blushed and carried on walking
"hold on my brains taking a while to process this information satori" i said to him
he laughed
"well i think the girl you have a huge crush on might have a crush on you too" i mumbled before running off laughing
he just stood there shocked
he realised i had ran off and started running after me
he reached me quickly and pinned me against a wall
"well ask the girl i have a huge crush on wether she would like to be my girlfriend" he murmured
"hold on i'll ask her, she said yes" i mumbled blushing
"you're so adorable" he whispered and leaned in resting his lips on mine
shocks flew through me and the kiss was different to the earlier ones
it was passionate yet still soft and gentle
he tried to deepen the kiss but i refused
i liked teasing him
he managed to slip his tongue into my mouth and our tongues brushed each other softly
i pulled away just as he was starting to really enjoy it
he tried to kiss me again but i dodged and laughed
he pouted at me
and i just giggled at him and raked my hand through his hair
he lifted me up in the fireman's carry
"satori my skirts gonna go up and i'm gonna flash everyone" i said giggling
he quickly put me down
"i do not want you flashing anyone apart from me" he said and winked at me
i rolled my eyes and laughed
we carried on walking and i felt his hand brush mine
i grabbed a hold of his hand and looked at him to see him staring at me
i smiled and he smiled back.

end of chapter, this ones really fricking long
word count: 1888

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