why am i always on the ground?

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"AFGHSHSGSGSHSHSHDHE" semi shouted as we walked to school
"please shut up" i mumbled as i kicked him
he started screaming with laughter and we fell on the floor having one of our laughing fits
somehow we managed to make it to school while howling with laughter
i survived my lessons and rushed off to the gym
i walked in and shirabu ran over and hugged me
we fell to the floor and semi started laughing
and again i couldn't help but laugh
"for the sake of everyone ever please help them" i heard goshiki mutter
ushijima dragged semi off again and i was left lying on the floor crying with laughter
i calmed down and stood up waving at everyone
semi finally came back into the gym
"you didn't eat all the cookies did you?" he asked me
i froze
"Y/N!!" he screamed
"THEY WERE JUST TOO GOOD" i shouted back
he sighed and scowled at me
"you are a disgrace" he whispered
"thank you semi" i whispered back smiling at him
i heard someone walk into the gym and i felt a pair of eyes burning into my back
i turned around
satori was standing at the entrance staring at me
goshiki was smirking at me
i stuck my tongue out at goshiki and smiled at satori
"TAG" semi screamed as he tapped my shoulder and ran off
i stormed after him
i jumped on him and we collapsed onto the ground... why was i always on the ground?
"you guys seriously need help" goshiki said to us
"we know!" we called in unison
"someone grab them before they start laughing" he said to the team
ushijima pulled semi off again and i felt someone lift me up and take me outside
"calm down" i heard satori say through clenched teeth
"what wrong?" i asked
"are you sure you're not in love with semi?"
i laughed
"of course i'm not" i responded
i laced my hands with his and smiled at him
he smiled back
"hey are you guys coming ba-"
shirabu started to say before he saw our hands
he laughed
"I KNEW IT!!" he screamed walking back into the gym
"TENDOU AND Y/N ARE DATING!!" he screeched grabbing the whole teams attention
we walked back in the gym
i frowned at shirabu
"it was pretty obvious" ushijima mumbled

sorry for short one but i cant sleep bc i had too much coffee and i don't want to write

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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