chapter 7

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It was the message from the unknown: "Hey! Sorry🙏".
"What is your issue and why you said sorry?" Alley retorted.
Unknown: "I saw you today."
Alley: "where and how?".
unknown: "ok! I am now gonna tell you, I saw when you beep in my car."
Alley: "oh! You were that damn shit person.".
Unknown: "Don't be angry."
Alley: "why you were there?."
Unknown: "it's none of your business."
Alley: "ok! Don't talk to me, bye I am getting late from my class."
Unknown:" yeah! Sure, you should have to go."

Alley went to her classroom. "Why are you so late dear?" Mam asked.
"Sorry Mam, I was just_
"Please sit down." Mam decreed Alley while interrupting her conversation.

A few hours later, Everyone was so exhausted and they were eagerly waiting for the sweet chime of the bell.
Finally, Ring! Ring! Everyone jumps out of the classroom like a wild kangaroo, rushing footsteps in the corridor. The whole class was blank and Alley was sitting all alone. As she was a newcomer she didn't know much about her new school.  Suddenly, she heard a distant voice saying Alley, it was her cousin Olex. "Why are you sitting alone, let's eat something and also I will show you around the whole school".
Alley went to visit the whole school. As they reached towards the canteen, it starts raining.
"Do you wanna go back to the classroom?" Olex asked her.
"No, I don't". Alley responded.
They both proceeded towards the shed.
Olex: "Why are you sad?"
Alley: "No, I am not, it is the new place, a new school and a new environment so I am a bit hesitate."
Olex: "Hmm, what you wanna eat?"
Alley: "Nothin_, while Alley was replying her olex friend, intruded her.
Olex we find you everywhere and you are here, one of olex friend grasp his hand and take him with them. Alley just sighs and moved away. Few minutes after the bell rang and she went back to her classroom. It was the biology lesson which was so boring for Alley. The whole span was going and going: lesson, bell again next lecture and bell.

Finally, Alley went to her home dead tired. She opened the door of her room and just lie down on the bed.
The car hit the trees. The car rolled over, lights swirled like crazy Catherine-wheels and the noise of the metal being bashed over the concrete was almost deafening. When everything stopped there was only the sound of the rain on the underbelly of the car for so long... then sirens...
Suddenly her eye opened and she hastily grabs the car's key. The main door slammed and she went outside the house without informing her aunt.

Sorry for uploading so late, I hope you all will like it. Thanks for keep supporting.

Lots of love,

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