2. Never Ending Journey

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They say "Life is a puzzle that can't be solved"
I say "We are the one who complicates it"
Maybe sometimes we get puzzled up in our life,
But that can be solved with love, patience and presence of mind.

Sometimes, it's not the right time to make a decision,
But, maybe after that time, it would be too late.
If you want something, still you think it's too early to get it,
Then don't...don't get it, but at least don't let it slip out of your grasp.

No one in this whole world is perfect
And if you want someone else to be perfect,
First ask yourself "Am I perfect?"
And if there's even a slightest bit of hesitation,
You have no right to expect someone else to be perfect.

Life is not just about chasing your goal,
It is about living your goal.
It is a package full of happiness & sadness, love & hate, adventures & thrillers and much more...
These all words are very few as compared to what Life actually is.
It is a never ending journey which I believe doesn't end even after we die,
We still live in the lives of those who loves us.

It is a never ending journey which I believe doesn't end even after we die,We still live in the lives of those who loves us

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