It's a Cinemassacre

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When the Critic and Mike finally fought their way up to the control room, they found a bloodbath... Or rather a dustbath. There wasn't anything left alive in the control room other than James, who was currently alphabetizing his games to calm down and make sure they were all here.

"Hey uh... James? Everything alright buddy?" Mike went over and kneeled next to him.

"I'm pissed off, I'm very pissed off Mike."

"Well... We should probably go home. I think the Fuckernauts get the message now."



"We need to make a bigger dent. We have to make sure they never even think about coming back. We gotta make them afraid of us."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we blow up their mothership."

"James, this isn't Star wars, that's suicide!"

"Mike I didn't say you had to stay on board the ship!"

"Well I'm not fucking leaving you onboard to die! Think of all the people who would miss you!"

"I'm not staying onboard to die either dipshit!"

"I... Oh. Okay. Well let's get the games off then blow this fucker up."


It didn't take long to load all the games and systems into a new ship which just so happened to be just off the side of the control room for quick access. The Critic even begrudgingly helped, though he made sure to throw weak insults at James every now and then just to let him know they were still enemies.

"Alright, that's the last of them. What's your plan to blow up the ship?"

"We fly out, you face me towards it and I'll blow it up with a Nuclear F-Bomb."

"But uh... How are you gonna do that? There's no air in space?"

"I'll be fast."

"That's not how this works."

"Well it's gonna work."

"Jesus... Well, let's do it."


The trio got into the silver command room ship, with Mike piloting it out.

"Hot damn, this ship is fast! It's so responsive, I feel like it's just another part of me!" He laughed happily.

"That's because the steering is literally off your body."

Mike had his arms up to the shoulder in a weird goo, which steered the ship whenever he moved his arms.

"Yeah well I think it's real cool. You should give it a try." He chuckled.

"I'm not sticking my arms in there."

"Right well, we're in position so if you're gonna do it, now is the time."

James gave a nod. "See you on the other side."

He headed down to an airlock at the bottom of the ship and strapped himself down as tightly as possible. He was going to open the airlock, nuke the ship then close the airlock as fast as possible to try and avoid dying.

This was a real stupid idea.

"Well here goes everything."

He frowned and opened the airlock, just letting out all the rage he had. All the anger from shitty games, all the rage from the Fuckernaut invasion, all the fury from Fred Fucks. The culmination of the tiniest annoyances up to the most teeth grindingly infuriating experiences he'd ever had.

He let out the biggest rage filled scream of his life.

The mothership exploded with a near deafening sound, shrapnel flying in every direction to add to Saturn's rings. The ship he was in rocked from the explosion and... FUCK!

The straps hadn't held and the rocking of the ship sent him out the airlock into space.

He gasped and curled up in the Power pad cape to hopefully protect himself as he was brought out into the abyss.

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