s i x | Stay away from him

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All of a sudden, a memory flashed in back of my mind.

"I like him. A lot" She sobbed.

"Don't worry Sarah. You have me now, I'll do my best to pair you both together." I reassuringly smiled.

Hold up,

Y/n, you assured Sarah to pair them both and now you are popping amidst them?

I pulled my head away from him like a shot. A weird ache discerned me in my chest but I had to do this, for Sarah, for Jimin and for me.

My sudden action took him into surprise. Crossing his arms across his knees, he turned away adamantly. Was that a twinge of pink in his cheeks?

He is so cute.

I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing. Park Jimin, the guy who kept girls waiting in line for just a minute of his time and left them begging for more when he actually did give it to them, was blushing because I'd put my head on his shoulder for some few minutes?

Y/n, stay away from him.

"I need to get back now." I squeaked, looking at the grass below. There was a shred of hesitation as I grabbed my phone from the bench and got on my feet. I pushed my hands in his hoodie pockets. It was still warm, the same warmth which I felt near him.

Jimin frowned, slowly getting up too as he took in my frazzled state before nodding once.

"Oh-Okay. I'll walk you home." The little twinge of pink still remained on his face.

"I can go by myself." I muttered out, looking straight into his eyes.

Ignoring me, he took his phone out from his pocket, typed something and asked, "I have texted Jenny that you're with me. Now come, let's go."

I blinked twice. The similar heat crept up my neck to my face and I mentally thanked god that he didn't notice it.

By now, he was already moving towards the path in street road, so I quickened my steps to catch up. "Wait up!"

He paused and turned partially, his pitch balck eyes were sharp on me. But there was a softness to the blow with the way he waited, it actually mattered.

He always used to be the chirpy bird but that night, he was so calm. Almost as if he was trying to be the Jimin which I always demanded of, the mature and manly Jimin.

But as curious I was bout him, I was feeling the beginning of hesitance. And that clinched it.

"I am." He suddenly grinned, not one for pretenses. I grinned back as he waited for me to catch up with him.

We weaved through the tress, moving along the path. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed silent. Small groups of people passed by every now and then, and Jimin said nothing throughout.

The whole thing was almost kind of ...nice.

It was when a guy barreled past, obviously drunk and calling out full of spirit," Seoul University forever, man!" for some insane reason, that Jimin turned to his side to avoid him and his arm was held out in front of me, also pushing me to the side.

I appreciated that. If anyone, except my close ones, would have been there, they'd have shoved me in front of the drunk for gags and would have happily watched us collide.

Again, I wondered why Jimin was even there. It was the first time we met outside, so late at night, just for the sake of my mood. Okay, he clearly didn't had any issues staying with me, so I guessed he was really free?

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