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Uaraka glared at Izuku but clearly amused by her he never took her seriously but he did very rarely. He actually appreciated her for her work she saved people and was a nice person so at least he didn't take her entirely as a joke.

" You know damn well what I want," she said furious at the smiling greenette.

" I assume the news between me and your husband am I right?" Izuku asked clearly mocking Uaraka. He knew what he was doing this conversation would be over soon or so he thought.

" How long have you been seeing Katsuki?" She asked a smirked painted on her face.

" Seeing since we were 4 but you know that." Izuku laughed at his own joke but Uaraka wasn't laughing not one bit but that smirk still stayed meaning she wasn't done just yet not giving in on Izuku.

" Oh please, you know what mean. How long have you been fucking him." Uaraka said. She put her hands on her hips waiting for and answer.

" Oh trust me I'm not fucking your husband I prefer to be fucked!" Izuku clapped his hands together smiling like this conversation was not as serious as it really is.

Izuku smiled but was glaring at Uaraka as she did the same but her previous smirk soon turned into a disappointing frown.

" let's get this settled you leave me and Katsuki in our happy marriage and you go on with your life. " Uaraka said still frowning at Izuku who was on the verge of choking Uaraka but held his composer.

Calm down breathe in breathe out what she says is bullshit that she pulls out her ass. Izuku thought to himself to calm his nerves.

" Not like that'll last very long." Izuku laughed at his remark.

" You little bitch! All he does is fuck you which means you're basically nothing to him!" Uaraka said raising her voice just slightly.

" That says a lot actually that means you're no good in bed." Izuku mocked. Her remark made Izuku freeze but he had to keep himself together what she says is nothing right? He hopes.

" Who says you're even better he still comes back home to me caring for me unlike you he leaves you just to come to me. Uaraka said as she wasn't going down so easily but neither was Izuku no matter how much her words hurt.

" You know I'm actually amazed by you but did I ever say that your husband was actually fucking me. Yes, the evidence we are always together and we are always at my home or somewhere else together what if we were just best friends and when he took me yesterday and didn't come home till noon doesn't really mean anything but that he is just looking out for me." Izuku said. What he said made sense but people like making things sound like something else. He was lying but he wasn't he just stated facts maybe proving or convincing people they weren't together in one but and so it works of course it did.

Uaraka froze feeling her skin run cold. She looked pale as if she just saw a ghost but nope that's just her being proved wrong and assuming things.

" I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to assume you were cheating with my husband. How could I just do that believing the news and gossip." Uaraka said feeling guilty. She lowered her head in embarrassment waiting for the greenette to accept her apology.

" Hey it's ok I would do the same if I were you it's okay now I wouldn't keep the others wait for you how would we." Izuku said "trying" to cheer her up but that was the power of fake pity that always worked on the people who were just too gullible or in such guilt they don't realize things the other said during the exchange.

Uaraka nodded and they walked back to the backyard. People looked back. Some wondered if they fight but no bruises or any sign of a fight. Some thought that Uaraka made Izuku admit to crimes but Uaraka wore the face of guilt while Izuku had a smirk in his face, and the very few knew that Izuku won the little argument and used his dirty tricks they only dreamed of being able to learn but never would.

Izuku made eye contact with a certain half red and half white-haired man.

Todoroki walked up to Izuku. Looking him up and down.

" Todoroki-Kun do you need anything?" Izuku asked

"Actually I do."


Ah, another pre-written chapter but hey it's ok right!

Anyway thank you for reading I appreciate it like a lot.

Also, I am sorry for people who love Uaraka I know she may seem like the villain in the story but trust me she is nowhere near.

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