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RampageFur ran. He didn't know where he was going; his emotions were spiraling out of control.
Suddenly, he gasped in agony as it felt like something sliced his throat. He collapsed, his entire body quivering in pain. Image flashed in front of him; a dark tom's jaws gaped in a yowl, though no sound was coming out. All that RampageFur could hear was a high pitched ring in his ear.
Lights and red flares passed over his gazed as he continued to yowl in pain, clawing the ground around him as he struggled. His soul felt drained, and his body felt numb despite the agonizing pain searing across his pelt. 
He was drenched in his own sweat and tears as he desperately struggled. It felt as if every happy thought was being sucked out of his body. Piercing negativity engulfed him, before the pain abruptly stopped. 
His vision cleared, the flashes across his eyes stopped, and nothing had a red tint anymore.
He felt suddenly light on his paws as he got up. Weight seemed to have been lifted from his soul, as if a demon had just been persuaded out of a body. Positivity began to return to him, as long as his realization of the word around him, followed by comprehension.
Things began to make sense. He knew where he was now. He was in the twolegplace.
Everything that happened before seemed like a motion blur, but suddenly one picture stabbed him.
It was the ShadowClan kittypet, KeenHawk, protecting HazelStalk.
RampageFur gasped, crumbling down again as a new pain engulfed him.
I've been replaced, the realization hit, she stopped loving me. But...why? What did that kittypet have that I didn't?
He flexed his claws, beginning to remember his life when there was a red tint.
Something else was here, with me. Oh StarClan, I was awful to her! My precious HazelStalk!
He let out a low yowl of pain, before hearing something behind him. He leapt to his paws, spinning around; hackles raised.

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