Chapter 2

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RampageFur yawned. He blinked a couple times, anxiety rushing up his spine. He shook himself as the memory of the previous night returned to him.
Sighing, he crawled out of the den, and gazed around. He picked up his scent from the night before, and followed it back to where Burgundy was. He looked up and spotted the alleyway that the Avians were supposed to be.
It'll be fine, RampageFur told himself, I'm a clan cat for StarClan's sake. The strongest type of cat there is!
RampageFur trotted towards the buildings, and peeked around the corner. He forced his fur to lie flat as he walked down, looking to either side of him constantly.
"RampageFur!" Burgundy leapt down from a ledge and landed right in front of him.
RampageFur was startled for a moment, but glad to see a familiar face.
"I'm glad you came. Life alone isn't so great after all, huh?" Burgundy nudged him.
"Never said it would be great," RampageFur chuckled, cuffing her ear playfully, "I've been a clan cat my whole life. Obviously I would come here."
"A clan cat?" A voice croaked. RampageFur shot his head around quickly. A dark long-furred tom who looked elderly gazed at him curiously with his round yellow eyes.
"Er..." RampageFur began.
"Yep! He was like...kicked out or something." Burgundy said.
Many, practically all of the rogues, were gathered now; listening in.
"Explain," The elderly cat meowed.
RampageFur sat down, his eyes flickering left and right, up and down. There were rogues everywhere, all tuned in to listen.
"Well, StarClan was silenced," RampageFur began, "I don't know how, but they were. AdderFang, a medicine cat, was recruited by the Dark Forest. He lied about visions in order to manipulate everybody. He lied saying StarClan was speaking to him, when it was all made up. He gained followers, and eventually became a leader."
"Why were you kicked out, then?" Another, much younger tom, asked. He was about the same age as RampageFur, and had a golden tabby pelt and pine green eyes.
"Well, the Dark Forest cats somehow...I mean, I technically don't know how it happened but...I was possessed, you could say. The Dark Forest was controlling my thoughts, temper, actions, and loyalties. I turned cruel, and was forced to side with AdderFang. I also was awful to my mate and..." RampageFur forced himself to not get choked up, "when the battle came, the Dark Forest cat still hadn't left my soul. I can hardly remember what happened..I can just remember the hate burning in my mate's eyes as she looked at me, and how she chose a ShadowClan kittypet over me," RampageFur flexed his claws, before sighing. "I guess I deserved it. I let my soul get controlled. I never realized it until AdderFang was killed, and the Dark Forest retreated from my body. That's when Burgundy found me."
Burgundy rested her tail on his shoulder, gazing into his eyes softly, "You looked rough, I'm so sorry that happened..."
RampageFur shrugged.
"Can't you just go back?" The golden tom asked, "I mean, you were possessed. Now you aren't. Everything is fine."
"I don't think they'd want me back. I'll always just be the weak link to them; vulnerable to the Dark Forest. They'll never forget, and they may not even believe I was possessed. And..Other things," RampageFur replied, "I can't go back."
"Yeah, don't be stupid, Evergreen." A calico she-cat chuckled.
"They'll think you're a Dark Forest spy, or still AdderFang's ally trying to keep his legacy alive. Not only that, you can't go back to the clans because of your ex-mate," A brown tabby tom meowed, blinking his mint green eyes.
RampageFur paused, "y-yeah, exactly!"
A pale-brown she-cat scoffed, "We get it, StumpyFurze. You're smart."
"I was just saying—!"
"Wait, StumpyFurze? Isn't that a clan name?" RampageFur asked.
"Oh, yeah. I was in WindClan for some time, but around the time of SoftShine's whole...plot...I ran off, since she kept trying to recruit me since BeetleFleck was my cousin. I got scared," StumpyFurze explained.
"Coward," A she-cat chuckled.
"Hey!" StumpyFurze hissed.
"You knew BeetleFleck?" RampageFur got to his paws.
"Yeah, sure did. How is he, by the way? I always meant to go back and visit, but I never knew if SoftShine was defeated or not." StumpyFurze meowed.
"SoftShine was taken down but..." RampageFur trailed off, "BeetleFleck was killed..defending HazelStalk."
StumpyFurze's emotions were unreadable, but he shook himself, "It's fine. Thanks for letting me know."
RampageFur blinked at him sympathetically.
"Come on, I want to show you something," Burgundy meowed in his ear. RampageFur nodded, getting up and following her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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