Chapter 1

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"Who's there? Show yourself!" RampageFur sank his claws into the soft earth beneath him.
"Whoa, calm down," A sleek amber-furred she-cat presented herself from the bush. Her fur was silky, reflecting the light of the moon. Her eyes were a bright yellow, like a sunflower, with little ridges of hazel around her pupil.
RampageFur was huffing, still exhausted.
"What's your name? You don't look so good," The mysterious lithe cat sat down.
"I'm RampageFur," He swallowed, trying to catch his breath and collect himself. The cat didn't seem hostile.
"Oh, so you're a clan cat. Well, my name is Burgundy. Are you hungry? Or thirsty? You just look...awful. What even happened?" She tilted her head.
RampageFur sat down, finally being able to breath. "I don't want to talk about it. I just need to find a place to sleep for the night."
"Oh, well, you can always sleep with us." Burgundy suggested.
"'Us'?" RampageFur looked puzzled.
Burgundy chuckled, "Clan cats aren't the only ones who live in groups. I'm in a group of rogues called the Avians. Cats come and go more frequently than you're used to, and there aren't many rules we have to follow. Nobody will care if you sleep with us for a night."
Sleep in the heart of a rogue groups' camp? I don't think so! I wasn't born yesterday.
"Er...Thanks for the offer, but I have another place in mind actually...See you around," RampageFur got to his paws.
Burgundy seemed rather disappointed, but shrugged. "Okay. We live between two buildings over there. You can come over anytime. We'd be happy to have a clan cat with us, you always have to best stories." She got up and trotted off.
"Best stories". Pfft.
RampageFur sulked off, trying to find somewhere else to sleep. He walked along the fences, before looking at the side of a twoleg nest. He padded towards a little hole, almost like a den, that went under the twoleg den.
Shrugging, he crept inside, parting his jaws to search for scents. There were milky scents, as if a rogue queen had kits here or something. There were other cat, dog, and fox scents, but they were all very stale.
This must be a go-to place.
He curled up at the bottom, resting his head on his paws. It was fairly cramped, since he could feel the fur at the tips of his Russian-blue ears touching the damp dirt above him. He just had to hope it wasn't going to cave in or something.
Closing his eyes, anxiety began to rush back towards him.
What am I supposed to do now? I have no clan left, HazelStalk loves a wretched ShadowClan kittypet now, and I'm getting invited to rogue groups...Great StarClan...
He was glad a group of rogues would be willing to befriend him if he needed some sort of clan-like closure, but he didn't want to go there and "tell good stories".
Wait, how does Burgundy know we tell good stories? Has a clan cat lived with the Avians before? Or still does?
His paws prickled. He didn't exactly care that much, but he needed a reason to get up in the morning, because at this point, he had nothing.

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