pillow talk

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"Hay Y/N" Sal looked at you seriously.
"Yha" you said wile licking the gooey substance from his dick.
"Lay down on your hands and knees"
you do as he says.
"Ok I am gonna put it in" he sits on his knees.
He sticks it in.
"Does it hurt"
" a little "
"I'm gonna move it ok" he starts to move back and forth.
"Ehhh" you moan
"Ehhh y/n your so tight, it feels so good" he starts to go faster.
"Oh sal"
He starts to go as fast as he can go.
"your so tight , I'm gonna...."
He pulls it out of you and his white sticky substance goes all over you.
"Oh Fuck Y/N I feel a lot better"
You both fall down on the bed and start to cuddle.
"Sal, i love you"
"I love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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