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Even angels lose their halos at times, making them human. The good become the bad and the bad becomes the good. Somethings people become so caught up in everything that they lose apart of themselves along the way. Some people never had the chance to fly so they cheered on others to fly for them. Cheering on them, cheering on the human race. Some shout, some yell, some cry and some exclaim the excitement. Others either sit there and do nothing or they sit there and stare at nothing. They shed their wings and their horns or halos, all becoming human once again. Everyone losing their edge and their masks or crowns. Cause even if they become anything else in their mind, physically they are still themselves; just like you are still you after every heart break, every fight and every happy ending. Nothing in this world will define you only make you stronger, the good and bad things that happen to you only bring out the qualities that are needed for you in that moment in your life. Humans are the angels and the demons. Not anything special and anything old, they are just themselves and you should be proud of them for it.

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