Untitled Part 7

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Am I worth living-?

I am nothing special like my friends tell me

I am just a loser who thing's she could be good at something

Like what exactly though?!

You think you're good at writing?!



Doing anything?

HA you're not good at anything.

You are just a waste of space.

Hey, hey, hey.

Cut them some slack!

They are doing their best, that's all they have been expected to do.

If their friends wanted to have a super human as a friend then they would've went someone else.

They wanted someone real and to be there for them when they need it.

HA you're still here?

I thought you left for good.

I am the Alpha thoughts here.

I am the real thoughts.

You have no say.

Negative is stronger.

Yes, negative thoughts are stronger but positive thoughts are more powerful if done right.

You made them a shell of who they used to be as a child.

You made them someone they aren't

You need to stop or they will burn out and crash like a star

The brightest burn hotter but the longer living ones get brighter over time.

They just need to take their time in life and figure out what works for themsleves.

Find the pieces of them that they lost because of you.

It's you who broke them not me.

I will stop you from breaking them further.

HA! You make me laugh

You have no real power here anymore

I am stronger than you.

If you really want to fight me then I will break you as I broke them.

Slowly and painfully

ENOUGH! Both of you, who are you to tell me who I am?

You both are annoying

I am me, broken yes but still me

I will repair myself, not for you positive 

Or to prove to negativity that I am stronger

For I am myself and I will show to you myself and to the world

I am me and I am a force to be rescinded with

....yeah this got dark, I am sorry. I will write something to cheer you all up, well I will attempt to. Apparently my forte is dark and depressing, I need to make more fluffier stuff for you all to read. Know what, what do you guys say about a little one shot about a boy group I recently got into and I have been diving deep into the fan made stuff about them. Okay! I'm going to make it now because I got an idea XD

Thank you if anyone reads my trash writing, you guys are the reason I even continue to write. Okay! I love you all my binches! See you all in the flipside of the update!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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