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1. don't make your characters perfect. nobody is perfect, especially people in gangs. make your characters interesting and give them a little spice.

2. no smut anywhere on my book. plain and simple.

3. do not make yourself the center of attention all the time, not everything is about you. of course you can create drama and stuff because everyone loves it, just don't hog every single chapter. if you have an idea for the rp pm me, i'd love to talk about it.

4. this is a semi literate roleplay. i'm gonna need more than 2-3 sentences and to actually be able to read and make sense of your replies.

5. be respectful of other people and other people's OC's. your characters can absolutely hate each other, but don't ever be rude to another person. also don't put other characters in harm without them being okay with it.

6. the password is to tag 2 people or tell me your favorite character from your favorite tv show.

7. don't force ships. they should be natural and come with time, they are not the main focus of roleplays.

8. rp in only third person. nothing else.

9. censor cursing please, i curse a lot but i don't want a ton of reports lmaoo

10. that's all i can think of at the moment, so have fun everyone!!

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