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3 0 D A Y S P R I O R

Lockers slammed and profanities were heard from all corners of the hallway. friends using the five minutes given to pass between classes to share what seemed like a life story. giving the up to date information on who cheated and who's pregnant.

all superficial.

nevertheless, two girls roamed the halls among the rest. but what couldn't be seen from the outside was the utmost boredom they felt for these days. the ins and outs of their high school lives had become a broken record. forever repeating the same melancholy note.

the whole junior class knew her name. she had mastered the fake smile that graced the population of Rodgemen High. people couldn't help but want to be around her easygoing light. they were entrapped by her daring green eyes that hid her displeasure of the people that surrounded themselves with her presence. chestnut hair sat atop her head always pin-straight as to keep presentable. however, deep down she wished for change.

if it wasn't for the fact she was the top student of her grade, half of the junior population wouldn't have a clue to who she is. unlike Monroe, Arielle takes no energy to hide the way she really feels about the people around her. with an unintentional glare on her face, she goes through high school solely for the purpose of leaving when the four years are up to begin a better life, with something to truly live for. the ones who do know her name, remember her by her crazed raven curls that she believed were impossible to tame, and her honey brown eyes that refused to really let people in.

not exactly who the school pictures standing next to Monroe day in and day out. but the fact has been known for years, before the girls even knew how to talk, that they were practically attached by the hips. inseparable. as they grew older they realized they shared the want for the excitement that was lacking in their home town of Spokane.

"Hey, Monroe! did you hear there's a new girl? heard shes from Colorado, Karly or Kenzi or something..." A girl shouted from across the hall towards the two girls like they had an interest in knowing. as usual, Monroe gave a bright smile before replying.

"Deadass?! Haven't seen this girl yet but I bet I will soon, see ya!" she said sickly sweet with an artificial wave before turning around and continuing around the corner with Arielle, dropping the cheek splitting grin.

"OMG Monroe you would not believe it! A new girl?! Totally un.be.lie.va.ble!!" Arielle screeched in her best impersonation of the majority of girls at Rodgemen. Monroe snorted in laughter and pushed Arielle's shoulder,

"Keep talking like that and you'll lose all your precious brain cells. then what would you do smart ass?" Monroe joked while they approached Arielle's next class, Art.

Arielle rolled her eyes and turned to face Monroe, "Oh you're so right Roe I can feel them melting away already!" Arielle dramatically fell back against the wall and placed her hand on her forehead like a 1950s housewife. Monroe chuckled and turned around beginning to head to her next class,

not before calling behind her, "forever the dramatic Ari".

"See ya at lunch b! pray for my brain cells!"

"Okay class we have a new student, this is Kara. If you could go sit in the back next to Arielle? We just started a new project and she can assist you in getting started. Arielle raise your hand?" the teacher quickly introduces Kara to the class before going back to his desk to continue rummaging through his countless emails.

Arielle releases an exasperated sigh before raising her hand as well as her eyes to scrutinize the girl approaching her. she seemed normal from the first look, but Arielle remained passive. she had strawberry blonde hair pulled up in a pony and steel gray eyes.

"Hey! I'm Kara, it's nice to meet you!" a little too cheery, but so far Arielle didn't see any major problems with this girl.

"Yeah, same. I'm Arielle, you're from Colorado or something right?" Arielle questioned while pulling her hair up and away from her face, an action she does regularly.

"Um, yeah. I just moved here a week ago and finally got all moved in... so what's this project? Just a warning my art skills are ass" Kara sets her backpack on the floor and sits in the stool next to Arielle before turning to face her.

Arielle laughs, "trust me, you don't need any type of creativity to pass this class, Mr. Grinor doesn't take any time out of his day to look at any of the shit we make"

"Good to know, so when's lunch?"

Arielle sighs, "sadly we must wait until after our next class. what do you have next?" Kara pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket, most likely the schedule she was given at the beginning of the day.

opening up the piece of paper, "uh, looks like Anatomy and Physiology?"

Arielle nods, okay that's a pretty easy class, it'll go by fast. then you can eat lunch with me and my friend,"

Kara breathes a sigh of relief, "thank god, I didn't want to be that awkward new girl and eat alone in the bathroom or something." they look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. Arielle decides this girl probably isn't too bad.



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