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Two painstaking hours later

Arielle is trudging through the halls weaving around the rowdy adolescents rushing to the cafeteria. No one ever would have thought people would be so excited for stale nachos and dry chicken nuggets. Nevertheless, anything to get away from the meaningless speeches teachers feel the need to share about their weekend endeavors.

Arielle spots Monroe's chestnut hair in the middle of the crowded room sitting at a rounded table scrolling through her phone. Most presumably on Instagram. Behind her was Arielles past flame Tate, he practically vanished after they went their separate ways. She thought it was odd for him to be there knowing Arielle was near. Something is up. Both of them locked eyes and her heart raced in anxiety and heat rushed to her cheeks. Before she had the chance to flee he was already standing right in front of her. A little too close for her comfort.

Arielle was quick to shield any emotion from her face. Unfortunately, Tate has known her long enough he could, after everything, read her eyes. Having him in such close proximity had an abundance of memories rushing through her head. He gave her a lopsided grin and stumbled on his words,

"It's been a while huh?" he mumbled scratching the back of his head. However Arielle didn't get to respond to Tate, Monroe startled her placing her hand on her shoulder, dragging her brown orbs from his ocean blues.

"Sorry bud, I'm gonna have to steal Ari from you. See ya!" Monroe shots over her shoulder and pulls Arielle's hand, guiding her towards the recently occupied table. Arielle takes a glance behind her to see Tate still standing where they left him, borderline dumbfounded. She heaves out a sigh and plops down next to Monroe at the table. Monroe is staring at her with her perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.

"What?" Arielle questions rather defensively. Monroe raises her hands in surrender,

"Nothing, nothing. Just wondering what you were doing chatting up with Tate. Looked a little friendly there." she suggested with a sly smile

Arielle rolled her eyes and situated her chin on her hand resting on the cool table, "Whatever you say Roe. So, what did your madre pack us for lunch today?"

Monroe swings her backpack from the ground and thwacks it onto the table, "I see you changing the subject so don't think we won't be talking later lass. Anyways, today we got crackers, hummus, and two oranges. Still better than anything we could waste our money on here." as she lists the items of food she planted in front of them. All of the sudden, a tray was set across from them and a lively blonde girl sat down and waved at the two.

Arielle gave her a small smile, "Hey Kara, this is my friend Monroe. Monroe, this is Kara the new girl from Colorado."

"Hi! Nice to meet you, how's your first day been?"

Kara nods her head while replying, "I'd say as good as it could, it's never fun being the new girl but having people to talk to is always refreshing." Monroe ressures Kara with a giggle. Arielle joins the conversation clarifying to Kara the ins and outs of Rodgemens High.

"Over by the windows are your average 'Brittneys' and 'Codys', who peaked in high school. A couple tables down are your standard weebs playing magic and treading pokemon cards."

Kara pointed over to the trash cans, "what about them?"

Monroe smirks and nudges Arielles arm with her elbow aggressively, "Oh them, that's just the skaters who consider themselves all rad because they show up here every day stoned. But don't ask me, Arielle would know much more. Especially Tate Callum."

Monroe waits for Arielle to respond, but all she responds with is one of her classic eye rolls. "I don't know what youre talking about," she says dismissively.

Kara stares curiously at Arielle. "What is he? Your boyfriend or something?"

Monroe interrupts slyly, "Something like that."

"Ex actually," Arielle crosses her arms implying the conversation is over. Kara steals a glance at Tate and his friends and notices he's already looking at their table. Arielle is blatantly avoiding his stare. Kara shrugs and goes back to eating her lunch. Monroe looks down at her phone and sees lunch is almost up.

Monroe curses, "Shit! Time for fifth already?" She turns and looks at Kara, "Me and Ari are going back to mine after school, wanna come with?"

Kara lights up, "Sure, i'll meet you guys out front after sixth." They exchange their goodbyes heading to their next classes.

Kara walks up the stairs towards History when a hand grabs her arm. she whips her head around and sees a boy with a mess of black curly hair and bright blue eyes keeping her from entering the door. She remembered him as Tate Callum.

"Hey, uh sorry. I saw you sitting with Monroe and Arielle. I'm Tate." he presents his hand out for a handshake. Kara hesitates before putting her hand in his and giving him a wary smile. Something must be up with him for Arielle to shut down any conversation concerning him.

"Kara, nice to meet you." she says while putting her hand back at her side. he scratches his head awkwardly and glances around the hall at the remaining students rushing to their classes. the warning bell rings and he turns back to her,

"I just wanted to see if Arielle said anything about me or, us?"

"Sorry she didn't really say a lot, just you guys some type of history." she shrugs and waits for his reply. his shoulders sag, looking slightly defeated.

"Yeah I kind of expected that, we were together for a year and a half and, something happened but i'm guessing she wouldn't want me telling people our business. When you see her, can you by any chance tell her to talk to me?" He turns around be fore she can respond and jogs down the hallway into his class. suddenly the last bell rings and Kara mumbles to herself,

"Great, first day and already late to a class. How grand" she turns and walks into her class.


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