My New Family of No Faces

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>Fifth day of the 10th Month, Year 2415 of the Great Delvoxien Empire<

T'was a fine day, nearing the end of autumn, season of dying plants and wilting trees, the cold breeze encompassing a person's shaking body, teasing a man's heat in the midst of the crunching pale brown and bright orange leaves under his foot; it was no other than the perfect time to see how people try the least bit to meddle within other people's lives.

It is my fleeting joy to say that I hope people would get chills and colds in this ending autumn and upcoming winter air.

Singing in as the second daughter of the Good Count Luvixia, Marifelle Chuello lai Luvixia, I see no point in writing down my nonsensical whole name upon this paper.

"Marking your whole birth name upon this dead carcass of leaves brings more weight and nobility that represents it", said my current private tutor as he made a speech about elegance within a lady's whole name.

Which bull's ass did he pull that shit from? I don't see the need to do so, fucking old fashioned crook.

However, I wrote it down here to be remembered, for at least once, I wrote my whole name to stake my true claim and ownership in this empty book without any written note, it is my virtue to stake my true name and lay my mark upon these papers.

Talking about my true name is truly boorish, just coming from the fact that it came from my mother's antics about her naming sense along my senseless father's habit to agree to whatever she desired and considered harmless, therefore I shall talk about my identity now in this reality.

As expected, as a minor reader who read the free version and one of the many people who dived into the series, I became one of the extras you'll forget in a mere moment after a passionate love scene from the novel.

Since I have recently written about my past life for the beginning of my Records, putting down the minor history as who I am now seems to be an appropriate topic to discuss.

I have some rather vague plans for the future topics I'll be writing upon this papers, but that will count upon the slim chances I could grasp as my freedom to do so.

Settling down records with my own physical form as a five year old is very troublesome, to consider the opinion of others first, and not gain any unwanted attention or an ounce of suspicion.

For all that I know of, nothing in this Reality is normal.

I shall begin now.

'Good' Count Luvixia, my father whom I still do not know his true name and I couldn't care less if I write it down or not, had a father who was entitled with 'Great' meaning to come with high honor, prestige, great authority and wealth, died quite early at the age of forty-five and had five sons and three daughters, 'Good' Count Luvixia who's the firstborn male and heir apprent to 'Great' Count Luvixia was honored with generous land, authority and a fair amount of wealth from his father.

I'm writing this in the case if someone could read this in the far future. I hope it would even reach even the ears of the villages in the far north of the continent.

Just to proclaim I existed. Heh.

In case you may be wondering, the titles 'Good' and 'Great' came from his majesty, the Emperor, who gave it to them with symbolism of loyalty and the contribution they dedicated to the empire.

'Good' Count Luvixia had (true) Wife of a higher status, the second Daughter of a Viscount and another two In-Waiting Concubines, precisely three wives.

The First Concubine's the eldest daughter of a Baron. A previous maid of my mother, and the Second Concubine was the youngest daughter of an Earl who was also entitled as 'Good'.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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