chapter 3

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Robyn elbowed one of the soldiers in the abdomen, grabbing the other by his hair and bringing his face down onto her knee. Qrow kicked out one of the other soldier's knees before turning to the other and kicking him back a few feet. The male then watched as the female dug through their pockets, pulling out the soldier's scroll and deactivating the bonds on their wrists.

Qrow rubbed his irritated wrists and looked around as more soldiers ran in, two of which had their weapons. He glanced at Robyn, watching as she ran forward, jumping up and landing her foot on one of their chests before using it as a boost to launch herself onto another. He couldn't help but crack a small smirk, she wasn't bad. After all, she was one of Atlas Academy's finest huntress. He followed suit, landing a punch to another's face, then another underneath their chin before kicking them away. His eyes shifted to another who had a gun pointed at him. God he really needed his weapon.

The raven-haired male hid behind his arms, waiting for a shot that never came fortunately. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around, seeing Robyn with her weapon to their head. 

"Drop it." she ordered, narrowing her eyes. He watched as the soldier dropped his gun before putting his arms up as if he was under arrest. Suddenly when another soldier tried to fire at her, she used her weapon to block the shot before firing an arrow at his leg, causing the other soldiers to freeze. "Anyone else wanna get shot?!" She threatened.

Qrow used this chance to grab his weapon from where it lay on the ground, casually walking over to stand next to the female. 

"We should go while we can.." He mumbled to her, earning a nod as they slowly backed away before turning around and running out of the academy. They would later go to steal an airship and flee from Atlas, just in time to see Salem and her forces approaching slowly, the witch herself riding on some giant grimm whale.

That was almost three weeks ago now. Qrow now sat in the empty house he and Robyn were sharing. His weapon laid in front of him, he had cleaned it of course, but whenever he glanced at the blade, everything from that night came flooding back. He was currently curled up on the floor against his bed, with his knees against his chest and Clover's signature badge in his hand. Of course he had kept it, but just looking at it hurt, so he chose to keep it out of sight but close to him.

Sighing heavily, he slowly stood up from the ground and trudged around the house, finally getting the chance to explore. Robyn had gone out to get firewood and some food, so she wouldn't be back for a while. Qrow's head had been muddled with so many thoughts since the incident, and without anyone to open up to anymore, he was forced to listen to them all. God he wished he could just make them go away. They gave him headaches, kept him up at night, the list goes on. The male just wished he could make it go away.

He suddenly jumped when he felt something hit his foot, looking down only to see an empty bottle rolling a few inches away before it stopped again. He pulled out his scroll and used the flashlight to look around before finding the actual light switch and turning it on. He was in the kitchen now, although there wasn't much. The shelves held very light, just some old caned food, what was left of some spices, what looked to be a half empty jar of old jelly, and, booze. 

Qrow shakily picked up one of the unopened bottles, dusting off the label and searching for a date, then again, did alcohol really expire? However, was Qrow really ready to throw away his months of progress without alcohol like this? He remembered the times his nieces or brother, sometimes even having to have random strangers call to get someone to pick him up  from bars. Was that something he really wanted to go back to?

"Qrow..?" A soft voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts, belonging to Robyn who was now standing in the door way. "What are you doing?" She asked, placing down the fire wood she collected, as well as a few bags holding items such as food, some necessities, and some new clothing that the two of them could use as disguises. Over the three weeks they had been hiding together, the female learned about his times in Beacon, a bit about his family, and of course, about his drinking problem. 

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