Chapter 4

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The breath escaped his lips without him even realizing it. Chaos was filling the streets as a fucking whale approached Mantle. Everything sounded like cotton was in his ear, muffled by the painful ringing in his ear. "Qrow we need to go now-" Robyn snapped him out of his trance, tugging him by the wrist desperate to get them out of there. Fear and concern etched onto her face "I..." reality came crashing as the sounds came back to him. "The kids."


"The kids-! Ruby, Yang, Oscar- I need to find the kids-!"

He pulled against Robyn. Breaking free from her grasp and started running. Pushing past people and bringing Harbinger out. "YANG, RUBY" the words felt useless but he had to try. They were kids they had their entire lives ahead of them, they can't die now. No. Qrow promised Tai that he'd keep the girls safe. He screamed their names, voice going raw, tears welling in his eyes. Nobody was there, nobody responded. Not even the blondie and his team, not even Oscar.

No. Stop. They're strong kids they can hold their ground. They'll show up soon.

Qrow's screams were drowned out by the sounds of fear, screaming, crying. The sounds of separated families and dead loved ones. The growls of grim as they fed on the negativity in the air.

A pained scream coming from an alley near him, he switched gears and ran in. A mother and her kid were at a Grim's mercy, the mom already bleeding begging her kid to run. The kid terrified for his life cried for her to run with him, 'Momma don't leave me too'

'I know baby but I need you to run. I'll be behind you. Go, be brave. I need you to be brave.' Without even thinking he ran in, his blade slicing through the creature effortlessly. Qrow helped the two of them up and sent them on their way. The people needed him more than the kids.

He fought for hours. Air burned in his lungs as Qrow swung Harbinger fighting for other's lives. The man's limbs felt like metal, heavy and weighing him down. A grim got him good earlier and it was holding him back, "Fuck..." he groaned as he removed his hand from the spot. The bleeding hasn't stopped and it doesn't look like it's going to soon. Qrow stumbled as he tried to make his way down the street.

Within a blink of an eye, a Grim had slammed him into a wall. His head throbbed and burned as his vision blurred before going black.


What... Where was he? Qrow was slammed against the wall after fighting a grim, he was bleeding, fuck, was he dead? His vision cleared as sound came back to him. From what he could tell it looked like... Clover's apartment? No. No Qrow stopped by a bit after Jimmy sent him to prison. The landlord quickly sold the place trying to make a quick lien before bailing. A person... A man was sitting in front of him shuffling cards. He squinted his eyes trying to focus on him. Hey, he has Clove's hair... and uniform... and... holy shit.


He smiles, the same familiar one he hasn't seen in what felt like years. Warmth and a sense of comfort ebbed over him within seconds. Just like a dream, he opened his mouth and said the words. "I'm here Qrow." This isn't real. It's never real. But for once, he wants it to be. "Is... Is this a dream?"

"In a way, I guess it is."

"Am I dead?"

Clover chuckled, apparently bombarding him with questions like a child can earn that.

"Kinda, you're on the verge of dying. Now, are you gonna keep asking questions or get over here?"

It takes him a moment to even register what he just said. Before Qrow can even think it, he pushes the cards out of the way as he came crashing into Clover's arms. Desperate for this to stay real, to stay in his arms and never let go. Guilt and embarrassment came crashing down onto him as he began to sob weakly.

"I'm so sorry-" he croaked.

"I couldn't save you and I fought you till the last moment... I blamed you for all of this and I'm so sorry"

The younger man held him as he melted into his shoulder, idly tracing figures into his back as he consoled him. "Hey. It's not your fault, well. I mean you did try to fight me and all..." He trails off, a bit he was angry about earlier, but now seems to have forgiven him for.

"But that's not the point. I don't blame you for my death, Qrow."

Anger festered inside of him, how couldn't he-! How could Clover forgive him?! Qrow fought him, fought alongside Tyrian a fucking serial killer and he wasn't mad at him? "How can you not-! It was my fault that Tyrian got loose and-"

"Were you the one that held Harbinger and cut through my abdomen?" he quickly cut his thought.

"No, but-"

"Were you the one that was plotting against Atlas giving all of the secrets to Salem"


"Then it's not your fault Qrow, stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders."

God fucking damnit he missed that man. Qrow missed everything about him, but the bit he missed most was his sheer fucking understanding. He missed the rare instance they woke up in each other's arms after a night of mental breakdowns and sober kisses. He didn't miss how with almost every touch the man could bring him to tears cause he was just so fucking touched deprived.

Qrow smiled, "I miss you, you know that kiddo?"

"I know. I miss me too."

I take back everything I just said about him. Qrow gave him a tired look before punching him in the arm. Clover chuckles and rubs his arm, "Quit wasting your time here and get back up and go teach Ironwood a lesson. After all, your niece's team needs you, no?" he was right.

Qrow got up from his seat and put Harbinger back in its place. Ready to leave before waiting at the door, his hand hovering over the doorknob before he turned back to Clover. "Will..." Qrow tried to speak. The sheer thought of his idea made his heart ache and tears well in his eyes. "Will you come with me?" The words tore through his throat like a knife, hot tears pouring out as he just wanted to be with his other half one last time.

All Clover could do was smile. Opening his mouth to respond, but before the words could escape his lips Qrow was being sucked back to reality.

"Hey- are you okay?"

His vision and hearing muffled, he tried to take a better look at the person. Even through blurred he could tell they had pale skin and brown hair and... Teal eyes? Qrow blinked and tried to focus. The voice sounded static but it was... Clover? It felt like electricity jolted through his body, he held onto him, startled. "Can you hear me? You got hit pretty badly by that grim. Are you alright?" Everything hurts, fuck he needed a moment to think. Qrow squeezed his eyes shut as the person continued to talk, bandaging him up and trying to be friendly. "Lucky you, huh?" The soft voice filled with sarcasm and love cut him out of his trance. Qrow's eyes shot open, tears streaming down his face as he gripped onto the person's hand. Thinking his reason to live had come back, the serotonin coursing through his veins as he cried. His vision focused and... it wasn't Clover. They didn't even have brown hair or teal eyes. It was a dude that had black hair and blue eyes, what was wrong with him. Their voice was way too high to be Clover too was he dumb? People don't come back from the dead, not without a catch. He got up from his position and left the person in their tracks, bitterness and sorrow overtook him as he spat out. His grief washing over him again, wounds reopening without even realizing.

"Yeah. Lucky me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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