0.2 ~ The Boyfriend

     Alec drives me home and walks me to the door. My mom swings open the door in excitement. "Who is this?" She asks, scanning him at and down.

     "This is Alec," I explain. He smiles and says hello. 

     "Do you want to come in, Alec?" 

     Alec opens his mouth to speak and I quickly cut him off from saying anything. "Alec was actually just leaving."

     My mom waves her hand in the air, "Nonsense, stay for dinner, Alec."

     Alec and I exchanged panicked glances. "I guess I could stay for a little while." He says, walking through the front door. I sigh and my face drops in my hands. This is not going to be good. Alec and I take a seat at the table.

     "Where's dad?" I ask, scanning the room. 

     "Working late," She answers, clenching her jaw slightly. I look over at Alec, who has the same suspicious look on his face. She scoops out some spaghetti and puts some on both of our plates. She pours herself a bottle of wine, and sits at the table with us. I start eating immediately and I smile in content as Alec does the same. "So, what have you two been up to?"

     I swallow my bite and wipe my mouth, "Alec needed help studying."

     My mom laughs and sets down her glass, "Is that what kids are calling sex nowadays? Studying?"

     I choke on my pasta and I see Alec's eyes widen. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs dryly. "I can assure you, Mrs. Bellamy, we didn't do anything like that."

     She laughs and places a hand on top of Alec's. I mentally gag. "Oh, I'm just teasing. And please, you can call me Holly." He smiles and nods. After a while she speaks up again, "It's been a long time since Bells has brought home a nice guy. That boyfriend of hers is just horrible." I mentally facepalm at the nickname she gave me. Alec tenses up beside me.

     "I don't like him either," He replies, trying to remain calm.

     I look down and see his hands clenched into fists. I quickly rest my hand over his, feeling him untense. He shoots me a smiles and mouths, "Thank you." I smile back. 

     "How many girls have you been with, Alec. Because my daughter-" 

    "Oookay," I say, leaping up from my chair. I grab Alec by his collar and pull him up. "We're done here."

     "I was just asking a question, Bells." My mom calls after me as I drag Alec upstairs.

     He huffs, "I wasn't finished, you know?" I push him into my room and close the door behind me. He scans the room and smirks at me. "Cute." He comments and I roll my eyes. I collapse on my bed and hide my eyes with my arm. I feel the bed dip beside me and I peek through my arm to see him lying next to me. "I like your mom,"

     "That was mortifying,"

     "I enjoyed it," He teases, flipping to his side so he faces me, "Wanna have angry sex?"

     I furrowed my eyebrows and smacked him across the face. The sound echoes through the room and he holds his cheek.

     "God damn," He says, rubbing the area, "I was just kidding."

     I shake my head in disbelief, "Did you not listen to anything I told you earlier? You were the first person I've told and you're joking about it."

     His smirk fades and turns into regret, "I'm sorry. That's just who I am. I joke."

     I let out a sigh, "You can leave now."

     "Do you want me to?"

     I paused for a moment, no, "Yes."

     I recover my eyes with my hand and feel him climb out the bed. He quietly opened my door. "Do you want to start tomorrow? With the deal I mean." He asks.

     I just nod my head in response. He stands there for a while before leaving. I let out a groan and tangle myself in my bed sheets. 

*Rape Trigger Warning*

     I lay in my bed, replaying the fight over and over in my head for what seems like an hour. I scold myself, you just ruined everything. I sat up frantically as I heard muffled arguing from downstairs. I recognize the voice immediately. Peter Herring. He bursts through my door and I jump in fear. He looks and smells extremely intoxicated. "God, Peter, you're drunk."

     He ignores my words and slams the door shut before pushing me down on the bed. He covers my mouth to prevent screaming, like he always does. His clammy other hand explores my breasts. Tears pour from my eyes and he slides his hand down to my front. I let out muffled cries as he violates me. I pull his hair, trying to get away from him. But he just groans in response. I squeeze my thighs shut, but he pries them back open. He releases his hand from my mouth. He knows if I scream he'll hurt me. I let out soft whimpers and he pulls down his pants and boxers. "Please, dont," I cry out. But he doesn't listen. He climbs back on top of me. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to remove myself from my body. I winced and cupped my ears with my hands as he enters me. Just remove yourself, Jade. Go somewhere else, I thought to myself. 

     My eyes flutter open and I was back in Alec's room, lying next to him. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized I successfully done it. Our pinky fingers graze against each others again. I smile at him, he smiles back. "Don't be afraid," He tells me and I nod.

     "I'm not afraid." 

     I am ripped from my thoughts as Peter finally stops. I pry open my eyes, my body shaking. He storms out of the room. I lay there lifeless, unable to move. 

     After about 10 minutes, I finally am able to wiggle my fingers and move my head slightly. My fingers tremble as I reach over and grab my phone, groaning from the pain. Still unable to move my full body, I lay still and dial Alec's number. 

     "Hello?" He answers.

     I try to speak, but I can't. Instead, I just sob into the phone. "Alec..." I plead.

     "I'll be right there, okay?" He says frantically.

     I nod as another tear falls from my face. "Okay," 

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